Frozen Shoulder Help

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi all,

My first time in posting I think? Type 1 Diabetic for 23 years. TSlim insulin pump and Dexcom One user.

I'm looking for some help with frozen shoulder. I have been suffering with 2 x frozen shoulders for nearly 4 years now.

One shoulder (which was originally the worst) had reacted well to hydrodilatation and I have about 75% movement back. Just the reaching behind movement that is still a no go (does this ever return?!)

I've had the other shoulder Manipulated Under Anesthetic in April. I have seen little improvement. Still painful, probably about a 10% improvement in movement if that.

I saw the surgeon on Monday who has said that this could just be my shoulder forever now, as in theatre he got full range of movement. He has offered Capsular Release Surgery but is giving me no guarantee that this will improve anything; to be honest I got the feeling he didn't really want to do it. He has given me the option and told me go home research it and let me know what I want to do.

I do exercises where I can - wall press ups and sleepers stretch which I was told are the best after MUA and best for frozen shoulder.

So questions...

1. Has anyone had successful Capsular release surgery?
2. Has anyone had MUA and then Capsular release?
3. Has anyone had both and still suffers?
4. Will I ever been able to put a bra on normally again!?
Hi @LauraLou 🙂 You did make one post in 2016 so this is your second. Welcome back🙂

I’ve got a dodgy shoulder but it’s not frozen. I do remember that a number of people here have had them though. While you’re waiting for replies, I did a Search for you:

And here for ‘capsular’:

Thanks so much - that's so lovely of you
Morning. I can empathise with you. My first dealing with frozen shoulder was 12 years ago. Left one. It took ages to thaw and I was in agony, I had steroid injections and eventually it wasn’t as painful but movement was, and still is, rubbish. Six years ago my right one became frozen, which was a nuisance as although the left wasn’t frozen anymore it hasn’t gone back to what it was pre 2011. I was offered a procedure on my left one, perhaps it was the capsular release surgery I can’t remember now but like your surgeon, mine definitely wasn’t selling it. I refused it as it sounded like it could make things worse in the end. I’ve had more steroid injections, I’ve tried acupuncture, I’ve tried alternative medicine ie turmeric essential oils. I have had manipulation by an osteopath which works for a while then it’s back to being it’s usual useless self. My right shoulder, whilst not perfect, isn’t as bad thank goodness. I’ve learnt to live with it but the bra thing is real. Last week I actually got two front fastening bras from a specialist shop, they’re really for post surgery ladies but as the shop owner explained front fastening bras are as rare as hens teeth! I paid a lot for them and they’re not “sexy” by any stretch of the imagination but oh they are wonderful.
I’m sorry I can’t give you better news but I just wanted you to know you’re not alone. It really is rubbish when your shoulders don’t work properly. Elaine.
So questions...

1. Has anyone had successful Capsular release surgery?
2. Has anyone had MUA and then Capsular release?
3. Has anyone had both and still suffers?
4. Will I ever been able to put a bra on normally again!?
I had capsular release 6 yrs ago, a year before type 2 diagnosis. I’d tried physio, exercises, acupuncture, osteopath, massage and guided steroid injections in the preceding year with it to no benefits. I’d read about the surgical options and had decided firmly against MUA. My shoulder was so painful still I could barely function (dominant arm) with about 10 degrees movement only and was on so many painkillers I was a zombie.

The surgery was very painful for about a week after and then quite rapid improvement from then onwards, especially in regards to pain. Within a few months I was at 80% functional. I got to almost all the range of movement with just a little pinching at the extremes I do reach. I can do my bra up even if that arm doesn’t go as far up my back as it used to. It still aches a fair bit even now. The surgeon afterwards was quite enthusiastic about how bad it had been and showed me lots of graphic pictures saying it had been quite a challenge to clean it all out. I believe I have some small degree of nerve damage that will remain for life. Whether that would have happened without the surgery or if that caused it I’ll never known but I do know I couldn’t function the way I was before surgery.

My biggest advice is to get sufficient physio afterwards (not just the 6 nhs sessions). We lose a LOT of muscle function after a long time with this condition and it takes time to build it back in the right order so all the muscles perform correctly - not just the big ones
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Hi all,

My first time in posting I think? Type 1 Diabetic for 23 years. TSlim insulin pump and Dexcom One user.

I'm looking for some help with frozen shoulder. I have been suffering with 2 x frozen shoulders for nearly 4 years now.

One shoulder (which was originally the worst) had reacted well to hydrodilatation and I have about 75% movement back. Just the reaching behind movement that is still a no go (does this ever return?!)

I've had the other shoulder Manipulated Under Anesthetic in April. I have seen little improvement. Still painful, probably about a 10% improvement in movement if that.

I saw the surgeon on Monday who has said that this could just be my shoulder forever now, as in theatre he got full range of movement. He has offered Capsular Release Surgery but is giving me no guarantee that this will improve anything; to be honest I got the feeling he didn't really want to do it. He has given me the option and told me go home research it and let me know what I want to do.

I do exercises where I can - wall press ups and sleepers stretch which I was told are the best after MUA and best for frozen shoulder.

So questions...

1. Has anyone had successful Capsular release surgery?
2. Has anyone had MUA and then Capsular release?
3. Has anyone had both and still suffers?
4. Will I ever been able to put a bra on normally again!?
Hi LoraLou I really feel for you, a few years ago I had a frozen shoulder in my right arm for a year it was awful sleeping with one arm out of bed, putting clothes on was a nightmare, it healed, then the other shoulder started almost immediately, that also lasted a year, I didn't know what side of the bed I was sleeping on, so I feel for you and hope it gets better soon.

As far as the question 4. Will I ever been able to put a bra on normally again!? Sorry can't answer that never tried it, Well maybe once but that's another story
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Hi LoraLou I really feel for you, a few years ago I had a frozen shoulder in my right arm for a year it was awful sleeping with one arm out of bed, putting clothes on was a nightmare, it healed, then the other shoulder started almost immediately, that also lasted a year, I didn't know what side of the bed I was sleeping on, so I feel for you and hope it gets better soon.

As far as the question 4. Will I ever been able to put a bra on normally again!? Sorry can't answer that never tried it, Well maybe once but that's another story
I'm not sure what is 'normal' when putting a bra on, I have always fastened at the front and swivelled it round.
Hi @LauraLou

I answered on Twitter/X yesterday about having had capsular release after MUA didn’t really help me.

My shoulders are still quite stiff, I have to put my bra on back to front and swivel it round & put a jacket on in the right order else I can’t get both arms in. I can’t reach around my back at all but I have got a better range of forward/sideways movements after capsular release & the horrible frozen shoulder pain has gone - unless I walk into a door frame- that still makes me cry!
Hi @LauraLou

I answered on Twitter/X yesterday about having had capsular release after MUA didn’t really help me.

My shoulders are still quite stiff, I have to put my bra on back to front and swivel it round & put a jacket on in the right order else I can’t get both arms in. I can’t reach around my back at all but I have got a better range of forward/sideways movements after capsular release & the horrible frozen shoulder pain has gone - unless I walk into a door frame- that still makes me cry!
I’m the same I always have to put my left arm in first. Getting tee shirts/sweaters off is a nightmare though. Reaching to close the car door when I’m a passenger can be painful too. Reaching out for anything is a pain TBF!
I too suffer from this in both shoulders. I had keyhole surgery but it never did the trick and physiotherapy was too painful. I broke my arm last year and this has not helped
Morning. I can empathise with you. My first dealing with frozen shoulder was 12 years ago. Left one. It took ages to thaw and I was in agony, I had steroid injections and eventually it wasn’t as painful but movement was, and still is, rubbish. Six years ago my right one became frozen, which was a nuisance as although the left wasn’t frozen anymore it hasn’t gone back to what it was pre 2011. I was offered a procedure on my left one, perhaps it was the capsular release surgery I can’t remember now but like your surgeon, mine definitely wasn’t selling it. I refused it as it sounded like it could make things worse in the end. I’ve had more steroid injections, I’ve tried acupuncture, I’ve tried alternative medicine ie turmeric essential oils. I have had manipulation by an osteopath which works for a while then it’s back to being it’s usual useless self. My right shoulder, whilst not perfect, isn’t as bad thank goodness. I’ve learnt to live with it but the bra thing is real. Last week I actually got two front fastening bras from a specialist shop, they’re really for post surgery ladies but as the shop owner explained front fastening bras are as rare as hens teeth! I paid a lot for them and they’re not “sexy” by any stretch of the imagination but oh they are wonderful.
I’m sorry I can’t give you better news but I just wanted you to know you’re not alone. It really is rubbish when your shoulders don’t work properly. Elaine.
Yours clothing were selling front fastening bras online not so long ago, not sexy but so comfy!
Welcome back @LauraLou

I’ve had frozen shoulder on both sides, but they were kind enough to arrive one at a time.

I was able to get through them without surgery or injection thankfully (because I could reach up with the other arm!).

The physio I was referred to after X-rays said that frozen shoulders often tended to have 3 phases of roughly equal length: Getting stiffer… being stiff… and finally getting easier.

My first shoulder the phases were about 9 months each (but I only went to the GP after a year and a bit), so a bit over 2 years in total. Thankfully, my other arm was much speedier!

Sorry to hear your surgeon seemed slightly pessimistic about your shoulders’ prognosis :(
Had sugery on right shoulder 15 years ago, pain discomfort & movement was bad & steroids worked but became less effective over time, since surgery all has been good so pleased I went ahead with it.
I've had frozen shoulder 3 times now and capsular release every time. It worked, though physio afterwards is important. I've probably got around 80% of my motion back. The one odd thing is that it turned out there was a bone spur in one of my shoulders, which caused the frozen shoulder so after my second capsular release it came back almost immediately. They then removed the bone spur and repeated the capsular release. So far, so good.
Hi @LauraLou I used to have 2 frozen shoulders, when I was working with horses. We had a lady who did McTimothy and Bowen Techniques on the horses. She saw me struggling to get a headcollar on one of the horses and said I needed to go and see her. Best thing I ever did. It took a couple of months of treatment but it did the job.
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