from my hospital bed...

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
finally got this tv thing to work

sorry lack of grammar!

stuck inhosp again, labour pains but no labour :( not eating much but have taken no insulin for 3 days and lvls remain arund 5. have told them your fears Twitchy, they just keep saying 'honeymoon period'

have gone from 16 16 24 32 to zero, no-one thnks thats a problem. any thoughts? srry this keyboard beyond belief! x
Sorry I cant help Fairynuff - just wanted to wish you good luck.🙂Bev x
how long have you've been diabetic for?

Could be the honeymoon period causing this effect, so know after you had little one though..

If I remember rightly (my youngest is 19) my insulin needs increased until the end of the pregnancy, when it dropped right off..
Sarah, I'm in no way qualified to answer I'm afraid, but I hope that things go OK for you. That certainly sounds like a rather drastic change. Are the doctors/nurses specialists in diabetes at all?
wont see a diabetic specialist until monday. until then im tryihg to stop them killing me with insulin... 'promise me youll start taking your insulin again!' like im on an insulin strike! 🙂

thanks everyone, helps to just know youre out there x
sorry ellie, type 1 diagnosed 8 weeks ago x
thanks margie - this is what im worried about. they just wont do anythung until i see my team on monday. am keeping a close check on movements and will try again in the morning
Blood testing and recording results, plus food intake, any other factors, insulin taken (or not taken), then showing results when you finally see diabetes team on Monday is the right thing to do. Not sure why it's so difficult to get them to see an inpatient over a weekend. Avoiding frustating internet access device might be wise 🙂
Hi Sarah

8 weeks since dignoses actually makes more sense not needing insulin at the moment, your pancreas had a good rest with the help of added insulin, so able to cope for a little bit on it's own..

As margie said there should be an on-call DSN or consultant, you just might have give the mid-wife a little nudge that this is available...
Hi Sarah,

I can't advise on your reduced insulin requirements, but just wanted to send you virutal hugs and wish you the very best of luck with baby! Hope everything's okay and she arrives safe and sound 🙂
Sorry cant help you, just sending my support. Hoping your not in slow labour, my mum was in labour for 2 weeks with my brother and it was hell for her. They are both fine now.
I bet the hours till monday are dragging, just try to relax xxxx
Hi Sarah, Just sending you a hug and hope things go really well. Hope you get the support you need. If not can you speak to PAL?
Hi there, really feel for you, stuck in hospital, rubbish internet thingy, and now the confusion with your insulin needs. Are you still feeling well in yourself? Can you check for ketones? I know your sugar level is low but I had ketones once even though BMs were fine. Don't want to worry you but it's worth checking. All the very, very best.xx
Just want to wish you luck with the birth,

and if you are really worried demand to see a dsn.........I dont see why its so difficult you are in hospital for goodness sake 😱

I know for me (type 1 for 15 years) reduced insulin needs were seen as a sign that my placenta could be starting to fail. It could be different for you though due to the honeymoon period. Are you having regular fetal monitoring, if so this should pick up Amy problems. Maybe you should keep a note of all babys movements too.

I really hope all is ok, I can't believe they are making you wait to see someone, is there not a diabetic registrar on call?

I know for me (type 1 for 15 years) reduced insulin needs were seen as a sign that my placenta could be starting to fail. It could be different for you though due to the honeymoon period. Are you having regular fetal monitoring, if so this should pick up Amy problems. Maybe you should keep a note of all babys movements too.

I really hope all is ok, I can't believe they are making you wait to see someone, is there not a diabetic registrar on call?

Yeah i cant believe theyre makin u wait either, I basically had my diabetic consultants moby number when i was at the end of my pregnancy haha 🙄

Hope everythings alright hun! doesnt sound normal to me honeymoon period or not :confused:

let us know how u get on xx
Sarah good luck hun, just think before long you will have a bundle of joy looking up at you xx thinking of you
Can't offer advice, but hope things work out for you. Big hugs comming your way.
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