from Alex to you

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Hi all,

Here is a message from Alex :

Hi Everyone on the forum. Thanks for helping me and my mum to understand pumps.

I think the pump is really good because i absolutely hated injections and i hated injecting in public places. Because i was afraid of people looking at me.
But now on the pump it just looks like i am on a mobile phone and nobody thinks its odd.

I prefer having better levels because i feel happier and it stops me having hypo's which i hate the feeling of. 😱

If anybody is thinking of a pump - get one!

I have just started Secondary School and not many people have noticed i have got a pump. Today i was eating a snack when i was waiting to do DT and a teacher came up to me and tried to grab my snack as we are not allowed to eat at any other time than lunch or break - so i told her 'this is my snack because i am diabetic' and she said 'oh sorry i didnt meant to try to take it away'. I found this funny because i can break the rules and not get into trouble!😛

Stay happy and healthy.😉Alex.(aged 11)

I didnt know what he was going to say he just asked me to type - so was a little taken aback when he said he hated doing injections in public!😱Bev
Thats brill Alex, glad you're feeling better, and are allowed to break the rules!! Hehe😉
Well done Alex, what a very nice posting. I'm glad that you like having the pump and that you are comfortable with it, I thought that was cute to compare it with a mobile phone 🙂. It was very thoughtfull of you to thank the people here for helping you and your mum, but remember it is your mums dedication and your attitude that inspires many of us in this forum.
Good luck to you and my very best wishes for your continued progress.

Glad you are loving the pump Alex 🙂 Hope you see fantastic results on it xx
Awww thats so sweet bev. Glad Alex is doing ok. You must be very proud.

gem x
Excellent Alex, thank you for posting this! It's great to know how much better you feel with the pump. I've been thinking about them, but admit I am a little bit scared of them, but after reading your post and what others have said, I am beginning to feel a little braver and might ask for one myself!

well done with the pump Alex, I'm quite tempted to ask for one myself. I always liked being able to break the rules at school too 😛
Hi Alex

I am so happy that you like the pump! My son is happier on the pump too! (He hated injections too).

I wish you continued success with it!

Say hi to your mom for me!

Mand 🙂🙂
well done Alex, you are so brave and doing so very well. So happy you love your pump. enjoy school, try not to break too many rules 😉
This is a great post Alex ( and mum!)

Lovely to hear you share your experiences and I am pleased you get away with breaking the rules once in a while! I really hope you continue to enjoy secondary school and that the pump goes well.

If you get the chance on here again, I would love to see a picture of your pump (sweet-talk your mum!). I also have one, the medtronic veo (I think the same as you?) and its very plain, I have got the moonshine/clear!

All the best, and continue to do well!

Louisa x
Hi Alex,

Good to see that you're loving the pump. All this talk of pumping is making me want one more and more. Keep on breaking the rules at school! Keep us up to speed please.

hi alex great to hear from you! i've been thinking about the pump too.

i used to love having to have chocolate before PE and being allowed to eat/drink whenever i needed to, it was great having supply teachers because i could tell them 'haha actually i CAN have this in class!'
Hiya Alex

I think you are fab. I think your mum is fab as well. I don't blame you for hating injections I do as well and I don't have to have them. I'm so pleased you and your mum fought as hard as you did to get your pump. Hopefully you will be coming to Hoburne next year, like you did this year, and you can show me your pump. I've not really seen a VEO up close on the 522 that Jessica, my daughter, has.

By the way, rules are made for breaking, wish I had learnt that a lot younger !
Hi Alex
Great to hear how you're getting on with your pump and new school. Your Mum is pretty good at telling us what you're doing. What did you think of the Diabetes UK holiday you went on this summer? Have you tried geocaching yet?
Regards, Copepod
Hiya Alex!

Great to hear from you. So glad you are enjoying the pump-- what a difference, eh? My boy likes life better on one too. The injections *were* horrible, and so much faff, and time, and you couldn't eat what you wanted when you wanted...Big difference.

Glad to hear too that you are generally feeling better. A big well done! It's hard work for everyone, but SO worth it.

Alex, I agree with breaking rules (sorry Bev!). When I was in high school I had a teacher from Boston with this really strong accent who used to say: 'remember one thing from my class, even if you remember nothing else -- it's important to sometimes go in the Out door, and out the In door'. I've never forgotten it! I used to have this image of her in the supermarket, just jumping through those automatic opening doors, the wrong way...

Take care.
hi Alex
so nice to hear from you im pleased to hear your getting on wlel with the pump , hay the rules are made for breaking sometime lol x
take care
Alex I am very pleased the pump is working for you and you are getting so many positives from it. It is great to break the rules too and get away with it. I hope you are enjoying your new school and do well.

Bev, I think Alex is wonderful, he has a great personality and you are right to be proud of him!
Dear Alex and Bev

Have to say this post brought a tear to my eye! Well done Alex for coping so well with everything and Bev for being there ever step of the way.....

Allison x
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