From 18.6 - 4.6 in 3 weeks. A query about the low readings.

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
My readings have been coming down 18 - 14, then 14 - 10, now 9 - 4. Over 3 weeks.
This morning I tested at 11.30 to find 4.6, 31/2 hours after bacon and egg, small grapefruit juice 70ml and wholemeal toast with sliver of marmalade. 4.6 is the lowest reading.
The strips have run out, my pharmacist hadn't any in to dispense so I cant retest until Monday, unless a supermarket pharmacist has some Glucomen - areo in stock.
PS My nurse only wants one reading a day . I can contact her on Monday but wondered what you guys and gels have to say
Remind us which medication you are on and what dosage as obviously that makes a big difference to responses.
Remind us which medication you are on and what dosage as obviously that makes a big difference to responses.
Apologies , my omission . Meds are Metformin Slow release 500mg x 2.
1 taken at breakfast , 1 to be taken around 6.30 with tea type meal ,
I was thought to be type 1.5, but now type 2 as the readings have dropped so much in response to Metformin.
No sign of glucose in regular blood test in May. Sudden onset of symptoms in June. Weight loss 1 stone in 2m
I would not be overly concerned if you are only taking Metformin. Even if your levels drop below 4 it is not a huge issue as that can happen to non diabetic people, most of whom would never even be aware. The thing is that there is nothing in your medication which can make your levels drop dangerously low.

I would say that your body is most likely responding to a reduction in carbs more than the Metformin, which usually has minimal impact and would be extremely unlikely to drop your levels to that extent. I think it is still likely that you are LADA and your pancreas has managed to get back on top of things as a result of you lessening it's work load with a lower carb diet. The sudden onset symptoms and unexplained (?) weight loss are key symptoms although it's possible your diabetes may take months or years to fully show it's true colours/type, unless you get conclusive test results of course, which isn't always guaranteed.
I would certainly discuss the lower readings with the nurse next week but I wouldn't lose sleep over it.
I would not be overly concerned if you are only taking Metformin. Even if your levels drop below 4 it is not a huge issue as that can happen to non diabetic people, most of whom would never even be aware. The thing is that there is nothing in your medication which can make your levels drop dangerously low.

I would say that your body is most likely responding to a reduction in carbs more than the Metformin, which usually has minimal impact and would be extremely unlikely to drop your levels to that extent. I think it is still likely that you are LADA and your pancreas has managed to get back on top of things as a result of you lessening it's work load with a lower carb diet. The sudden onset symptoms and unexplained (?) weight loss are key symptoms although it's possible your diabetes may take months or years to fully show it's true colours/type, unless you get conclusive test results of course, which isn't always guaranteed.
I would certainly discuss the lower readings with the nurse next week but I wouldn't lose sleep over it.
I get the picture.
In the early stages there's quite a few things to get one's head round. I hope I wasn't over concerned . An opinion from regulars is great it saved me going round town to find strips my pharmacist hadn't got in today.

I have to have regular tests for another reason. My Dr is surprised at the high HA???? reading in Aug- 96. 3 m ago and the previous 20 yrs its been fine (- long story. )
Many thanks
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PS My diet now isn't too different from before. I was trying to lose weight for my next check up with the Doc in Nov . So as well as cutting down on fats and sugars I started reducing carbs on top of that. The weight started to fall away !! I hope its stopped now I'm having more fats and generally eat more portions of the healthy stuff.
Over lockdown some unrealised sugars had crept in (grapefruit juice, other fruit juices, Liquorice Allsorts and Salted Caramel Ice cream, plus Welsh cakes )
I agree with @rebrascora that it’s still possible you’re Type 1.5. Reducing carbs masks that, then you’re assumed to be Type 2, so if your blood sugar goes up again, nothing is done in a timely fashion because they have it in their heads you’re ‘just’ Type 2.

I’d be wary of returning symptoms that indicate there might be a problem. I’d also ask what had been put on my Notes so if something does go wrong, they’ll be alerted to the possibility of Type1/1.5 quickly.
Well done for the changes you’ve made, and getting your BGs back into range @Jenny105

But like others, I can see some factors in your diabetes story that do need keeping an eye on. Does your nurse know that you have reduced your carb intake substantially?

Certainly worth bearing the possibility of LADA in mind over the coming months and years, as the gradual loss of beta cells involved may reach another ‘tipping point’ and see your BGs head upwards again. At which point the regular T2 meds you may be offered as second/third line therapy will have less production capacity to work with, and you won’t be able to reduce carbs easily.
Well done for the changes you’ve made, and getting your BGs back into range @Jenny105

But like others, I can see some factors in your diabetes story that do need keeping an eye on. Does your nurse know that you have reduced your carb intake substantially?

Certainly worth bearing the possibility of LADA in mind over the coming months and years, as the gradual loss of beta cells involved may reach another ‘tipping point’ and see your BGs head upwards again. At which point the regular T2 meds you may be offered as second/third line therapy will have less production capacity to work with, and you won’t be able to reduce carbs easily.
Thanks again . The nurse said little first time they were considering 1.5. The daily readings, as a set were sent in. In the call that followed .I asked if I should be on low carb diet and she said yes.
The readings have fallen a lot& quickly so I will send in a new batch of daily readings and ask the Nurse to phone me. I'll ask about how low the carbs should be . I've no idea if approx 90 a day is sufficient.
They are considering LADA . My levels were dropping on Metformin or are the carbs too low? Perplexing.
. What would you say are the key questions to ask?

I could eat another slice of bread am and pm. 3 tbsn (not 2 ) of beans for beans on toast. An ordinary sausage instead of HECK ones, more fruit, a half grapefruit in stead of 1/4, 4 not 3 new potatoes (if i can !).
Is there somewhere where Type 1.5 can be explained. ?

In the late 1990s I had to take a daily medication . It raised my weight from 8.5 stone to 11.3 stone. It took 15 yrs to reduce this to 10stone . My mental thinking is to be wary of what I eat . So Im predisposed to eating less. Maybe I have to kick that thinking now Ive dived from 10.7stone to 8.12 prior to the diabetes symptoms over one weekend. Now Im 8st 7. holding I think.
Is there somewhere where Type 1.5 can be explained. ?
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