Friends for Life style conference for adults?

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
In the FFL thread it was suggested that it would be really good to have a similar event which concentrated on adults, and all types of diabetes. I thought I would start this thread to see who would be interested in such a thing and what you would hope to get from it, how it might be organised, what sort of participation you might like from companies, charities etc.

So - fire away! 🙂
yes i would be interested in something like this. Will have a think about some ideas and get back to you
Northe, it's something I've been thinking about for a while. Obstacles/challenges:

- finding a venue that won't cost a small fortune
- convincing the big companies (ie Bayer, Medtronic, Abbott, Animas, Roche, so on so forth) that it would be worth coming do - would need to get an idea of numbers to put to them
- getting the right sort of speakers in; would be hard to convince people if they've never heard of the event etc
- deciding on the sessions to be covered, again would need to know how many/who is coming to be able to plan
I wonder if we could get some help with promotion from DUK? I think that, although the adults with diabetes are much greater in number, parents are probably more motivated to attend such an event as FFL. I'm trying to recall what that event was that happened in the US a few months ago, where Gretchen Becker was one of the attendees - was that FFL or an adult-based conference? I'll have a search through the blogs to jog my memory!
I'd definitely be interested in attending. This sort of thing is right up my street so would love to get involved in planning if there was an opportunity...?!
I think it would have to have the backing, or at least support, of a big organisation, DUK/NHS?, to give it the credibility/profile it would need. That might also open doors to get the reps/speakers etc in?
If we could get DUK and JDRF behind us - which in theory I want to say is reasonably easy to do? - it would definitely raise the profile. I think companies would be willing to send a rep or two as long as they knew there would be plenty of people around,
If we could get DUK and JDRF behind us - which in theory I want to say is reasonably easy to do? - it would definitely raise the profile. I think companies would be willing to send a rep or two as long as they knew there would be plenty of people around,

How many attended the FFL conference? To get an idea of the kind of numbers we would need to attract speakers, companies etc.
Count me in for this
Man, this is something I would be seriously interested in attending!
It would be nice to have part of it focused on type 1 being as we're quite an overlooked part of society as adults.

FFL had roughly 300 people there I think, they are hoping to increase it to 400 in 2011.

Just to put it into perspective - FFL USA 2010 had 3,200 people there 😱

Just wanted to point out that places at FFL cost ?110 for the conference. Hopefully we could get the price down if we found the right venue and enough people.
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Have you seen the cost of the hotel - $149 per night. Plus flights and transfer costs, plus conference goes on for a week as well, so the room rates really add up.
Brillient idea, I'm up for it...

Might be worth inviting somebody like John Davis or Leslely Jordon along to give a talk about INPUT and what they can do help with insulin pumps etc..

I should imagine that getting speakers such as Gary Shinedler etc a bit difficult, but there are always the Universties would be nice to nab some-one to give a pesentation on what devices etc may lay in wait in the future for us...

As perhaps somebody to talk about diabetic pregnacy etc...

Another lot to contact would be DAFNE and DESMOND, see what part they could play within such a confernace..

As to when and where's, perhaps starting off with see what sort of confernace package a centre could come up with you know one of the ones that lay near a motorway junction! I know we've got one out at our motorway junction, easy access reasonable accomandaiton near by, may be that a deal could be pulled if when conferece season is quite...

I'm also willing to help in any capicity I can
Does this mean T2 insulin user would not be allowed to attend?
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