Fried food twice per week limit in school meals

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
School meals in England will have to include at least one portion of vegetables a day - and no more than two portions of fried food each week.

Ministers have announced regulations for school food in state schools, which will apply from January 2015.

The regulations promote drinking water and limit the size of fruit juice servings to quarter pints (150ml).

Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg said the rules would "continue to restrict unhealthy foods".

Schools will also have to provide a choice of fruit and vegetables as part of the new rules.

The school food regulations, designed to promote healthy eating, will be mandatory for local authority schools, new free schools and schools that convert to academies.

I must admit, not having had children myself, it was a bit of an eye-opener for me when Jamie Oliver kicked off a few years ago. I hadn't realised how much things had changed when I was at school. Whilst there were some choices to be made each day, you didn't really think twice about taking one of the options on offer and practically everyone had a hot school dinner. Packed lunches were very rare indeed, and only pupils who lived within a short walking distance of school were allowed home for meals. We generally ate in classrooms, or a local community centre when I was little - none of this having to think too much about the 'eating environment' and trying to make it fun and enjoyable for the children, it was all about eating and chatting to your friends at the table. There was a teacher's table for the lower schools, and a punishment for misbehaving was to have to eat at the teacher's table. Dinner ladies would wander through the tables to check that the children were eating properly, or if they needed help e.g. in cutting meat. Most meals were meat and veg plus a pudding, not processed food like burgers, pizza etc. There were no vending machines in schools, and you had milk at break times and water with your lunch. In secondary school we also had a jug of milky 'coffee' at lunchtimes.

Nostalgia rant over! :D
And doubtless there will be a core of parents who will then bleat on about the 'nanny state' and 'I'll decide how best to bring up my kids' and start pushing hot dogs through the school gates.

It always seems like there's a subset of society that seems to take a perverse pride in being completely incompetent parents.
Well I spose we got (once we were at secondary school anyway, primary school dinners came in a van and weren't all that nice, but it was lunch so get on with it! - but went home anyway unless some thing strange happened and I had to stay) much the same food as we ate at home didn't we?

Pizzas were foreign muck and nobody had heard of burgers anyway. Chips were strictly a once a week (if that) treat and being a treat, not for school. Mr Wimpy hadn't invented burgers by then I don't think. And if he had, in any case it would like be serving Sushi at school dinners now. It exists, but normal people don't have it at all or even if they eat it out, NOT at home!
It's a good plan and im all for it. Just caught the wimpy bit and it brought back a memory of brown derby sugared donut with ice team and nuts and chocolate sauce! Im going back 27years oh how carefree i was before D!!!
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