Frequent Loss of Connection from LibreLink to iPhone !


Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 3c
Hi there. I'm on my second ever Libre 2 sensor (started yesterday) and today I have had 4 loss of connection events. With the previous sensor - none. The sensor reconnects if I restart the iPhone.

Bad sensor ? Should I send it back for a refund ? Fortunately I have another unused sensor available.

Is this a well known problem ?

I'm finding them a nightmare.

Constantly disconnecting, and one last week just didn't even connect to the bluetooth at all. I had to get a replacement sent to me after I compained.
I'm finding them a nightmare.

Constantly disconnecting, and one last week just didn't even connect to the bluetooth at all. I had to get a replacement sent to me after I compained.

Sorry to hear that but good, they are used to complaints and replacing duff units. Was thinking of trying Dexcom but I read that have their own problems.
Pleased to report that Abbott are replacing the malfunctioning sensor. Good service. FYI the Bluetooth connectivity on the Libre3 is reported to be the same as on the Libre2.
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