Freestyle Libre and removing sensor

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I can only wish that I could find an adhesive strip/pad that is as strong as the one they use on the sensors. I could really use a great adhesive to stick things on a wall that don't fall off when they get warm LOL. Who ever thought that your skin could stretch so far as you fight to take off a sensor to put on the next one!

Any experienced recommendations for easier removal without taking off a layer or more of skin?

Instructions state, "If your Sensor becomes loose ..". Loose! Someone at Abbott must have a sense of humour.

To remove, "Pull up the edge of the adhesive and slowly peel away in one motion". Edge? It is about a millimetre at best and grab it with what ... vise-grip pliers? One smooth motion LOL. Twice a month challenge and torture test :(

I am sure long-time Freestyle Libre surviving users have recommendations ... I hope 🙂

BTW, I switched from left arm to right arm and now readings are a lot more accurate to the actual finger-pricking blood tests.
Like you, my Libre stick like limpets. We obviously have special stickable skin.
I always remove my sensor in the shower and I do it slowly.
I get the sensor very wet, get my finger nails under an edge (that millimetre you have is a good start) and allow the hot water to get into the glue, slowly pulling it back allowing more and more water to loosen the glue.

I usually have some remnant of the glue left on my arm which I gently slough with a pumice and sower gel.
Like you, my Libre stick like limpets. We obviously have special stickable skin.
I always remove my sensor in the shower and I do it slowly.
I get the sensor very wet, get my finger nails under an edge (that millimetre you have is a good start) and allow the hot water to get into the glue, slowly pulling it back allowing more and more water to loosen the glue.

I usually have some remnant of the glue left on my arm which I gently slough with a pumice and sower gel.
Good suggestion and I was thinking along that line about trying it during a hot shower. For the last "excavation" I had to use tweezers to get a small grab on the thin border strip of the adhesive. Worked my way around to get as much of the exposed adhesive loose then started the tug of war LOL. Fingers are not as nimble as they were many moons ago and arthritis is a mean adversary.
Sorry, I rather had to laugh at the description of your endeavours to remove it!

Some people find that hot out of the shower it comes off easier and then a good soaking with baby oil helps.... olive oil or veggie oil probably work just as well.
Getting a fingernail under an edge is also helpful to get it started. It might be worth developing a "Libre nail" specifically for the task during the 14 day period and then don't forget to grimace firmly whilst peeling it back. I am convinced that grimacing somehow alleviates some of the pain, otherwise what is the point of it as a facial expression. 🙄

I believe there is a special product on the market but can't for the life of me think what it is called and of course may not be available in Canada. I think @Sally71 or @Thebearcametoo may know what it is as I is often used to remove dressing from children.
I have the same issue, but what irks me more is the challenge of removing sticky residue on my arm after removal. My wife bought me some Tropic skincare, in which was an exfoliating pebble. It works wonders!
Anyone remember the footage of Teresa May in a sleeveless evening dress waiting to greet Donald Trump at Blenheim Palace? There was a back view of her, with her Libre sensor visible…and also a big black ring where the previous one had been.
Anyone remember the footage of Teresa May in a sleeveless evening dress waiting to greet Donald Trump at Blenheim Palace? There was a back view of her, with her Libre sensor visible…and also a big black ring where the previous one had been.
We can all relate to that though. Just makes her human.... and anyway, if I was going to meet Donald Trump, I wouldn't make a big effort!
There’s a spray called appeel that we get on prescription that works well. You can buy it at pharmacies too. Or there are tac away wipes which also work well.
Anyone remember the footage of Teresa May in a sleeveless evening dress waiting to greet Donald Trump at Blenheim Palace? There was a back view of her, with her Libre sensor visible…and also a big black ring where the previous one had been.
Ha ha ha! I bet she was unaware of it! I was given "Lift" spray to remove the pump cannulas and it works the same on the Libre. You can also use it to remove the remaining sticky ring if you spray it on a tissue... alternatively any oil on a cotton wool pad will remove residue.
Good Ole Baby Oil, or Vaseline (ie petroleum jelly) gets sticky residue off the skin and always has done. Well, certainly since before WW2 anyway, cos my mom used Vaseline for that purpose for me and my big sister from 1946 when she was born for the simple reason that our grandma did!
I have the same issue, but what irks me more is the challenge of removing sticky residue on my arm after removal. My wife bought me some Tropic skincare, in which was an exfoliating pebble. It works wonders!
Looks like Tropic Skincare is a UK business. We have Baby Oil and Vaseline in our in-home 'pharmacy' so will try those in 9 days when the switch is next due ... right after a hot shower and after I wrench my neck and shoulder reaching around in an attempt to rip off the sensor that you put behind your upper arm so it is out of sight, without taking a layer or two of skin with it. The packaging should include a skincare packet and maybe a small pouch or sample bottle of a strong libation to make it more of a "looking forward to" experience 🙂
There’s a spray called appeel that we get on prescription that works well. You can buy it at pharmacies too. Or there are tac away wipes which also work well.
TacAway Wipes are available here in Canada. Will check the pharmacies locally or order online from Amazon (available) and I have Prime so no delivery charge. They are also available online from a Diabetes supplies company.
Plenty of suggestions, thanks to all who have posted!
Sorry to hear about your problems unsticking Libre @T2Canada - though like @rebrascora I was chuckling at your description.

Perhaps you should just walk swiftly and carelessly through a few doorways - they have a reputation for powerful Libre-attraction, and instant-dislodging powers! :rofl:
Sticks hard & fast, only had 1 come unstuck in 5 years. Clinic said to use baby oil but just rip them off myself, to improve adhesive be sure to clean skin first, I use alcohol swaps as cheap as chips online.
with libre s and cannulas i peel a little so i can get hold of it then give it quick sharp tug and its off its a lot less agony than slowly peeling it off i do the same with band aids.
We used to get Lift Plus spray, was given it for removing cannulas but it works on sensors too. Haven’t needed it since we switched to Tandem pump and Dexcom, daughter’s skin is now starting to rebel after 9 years of having things stuck to it and everything itches so we now have the opposite problem of trying to get things to stay on long enough!
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