Freestyle Libre 2 Signal Issues After Android 14 Update on Honor 90L


Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi everyone,

I'm having a lot of problems with my Freestyle Libre 2 ever since my phone, an Honor 90L, was updated from Android 13 to Android 14. The main issue is that I'm experiencing constant signal loss. Initially, I thought I might have applied the sensor incorrectly, so I tried several new ones, but the problem persisted. After some research, I discovered that I'm not the only one experiencing this issue following the update to Android 14.

I've tried a few troubleshooting steps that I found online, such as turning Bluetooth off and on, which didn't help. Restarting the phone temporarily resolves the issue, but the signal loss returns.

The Freestyle Libre 2 worked perfectly for me before this update. I'm particularly reliant on it to monitor my nocturnal lows, as I have Type 2 diabetes and otherwise don't have access to a CGM.

I would greatly appreciate any feedback, especially from those who are using the Freestyle Libre 2 on Android 14 without experiencing these issues. I'm considering getting a new phone or maybe even switching to a Reader, though I'm not too keen on that option.

Thanks in advance for any advice!
Hi! I have had signal issues for over six months since going from Android 13:to 14 on my Poxy 6 (Pixel actually). More another day as struggling with close work following DMO injection yesterday. '(
I think I might have got it. But it has only been 6 hours. Turn off Bluetooth and leave it off. Shut the device down. Leave it off for 15 minutes or longer. Turn it back on and wait a few minutes to stabilise, then turn Bluetooth back on.
I will report back in the morning how I went. There have been other strange things once the update, I will say more tomorrow.
I was getting dreadful signal loss on Libre 2 (also on Android) but since going on to Libre 2+ this has been significantly better (that said I've just ripped off my latest one with 2 days to go as it was giving abnormally low readings for the last 24hrs!)
I have signal loss regularly and the notes I made didn't always appear. Otherwise my Libre 2 works ok. I suffer from muscle pain around the sensor sites, which is most irritating.