free spibelt

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes

This is a special offer that Adrienne sent to the list - you can get 3 spibelts for the price of 2 and whatever price belt you buy you get the third one twenty dollars off - free shipping - and 15% off the total price - so i got three belts for forty four dollars which I think is roughly twenty 26 pound - so a good bargain - I got a waterproof and a double pouch aswell as an ordinary.

The codes are :ship09


p.s. Sugarbum - you dont need one in every single colour....
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Hahaaaaaaaa!!!!!:DYou cheeky mare!:D

Its funny you put this, I got the spibelt email too...

Dear Louisa,

There's a first time for everything....

Starting 3pm Central Standard time until Friday night at midnight SPIbelt is offering a one time only "Buy 2 get 1 free event".

Easy How-to:
1. Select minimum 3 belts (adult belts and specialty only, a value of $19.95 each or more).
2. In the coupon field below your shopping cart, enter "buy2gofree".
3. $19.95 will be credited to your cart = FREE belt!

Enjoy Enjoy Enjoy!

Don't miss out on this amazing stocking stuffer!

I think my collection doesnt need adding too, esecially as I just received a new medical bracelet today from icegems with a free PINK dogtag- how did they know I loved PINK????:D
Shame this offer wasnt on a few weeks ago as ive only just received mine , Bargain for anyone thinking about buying a spibelt tho 🙂
whats a spibelt??

It's a 'small personal items' belt - straps round your waist snugly and has a stretchy pouch (or pouches) for carrying things like a pump, meter, keys, mobile etc. The great thing about them is that, unlike most 'bumbags' they don't move about so they are great for running or other activities! 🙂
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