Free Prescriptions

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Active Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Does anyone know the criteria to obtain free prescriptions? I know for example diabetics (on medication) and those with hypothyroidism can get free prescriptions. But what about others? My son has a osteoporosis which means he will be on medication for life but he has to pay.
Sorry Dave, I only know I get free prescriptions as a tablet T2, but good luck in your quest

Thanks Hazel, it's just a bewilderment to me. I too get free prescriptions due to diabetes medication and thyroid problems. 🙂
I dont know for certain, but, could it be something to do with claiming 'disability'? Therefore entitling him to benefits.Perhaps if your not in the system of DLA your not seen as 'in need of' medication? Even though i am sure he is otherwise why would he be taking it, but it could be one of those little 'clauses' boffins like to use! Bev
i know for years my mum couldnt claim free prescriptions even though she has cronic astma. she can now get them due to being diagnosed as a type2 diabetic. not sure how it affects others tho.
Once someone (living in England) leaves the free prescription "zone" of childhood and certain full-time education, they can still qualify on income grounds, if claiming certain means tested benefits. There is also a little known criteria if the person is unable to leave their house alone, eg getting Higher Rate Mobility component of Disability Living Allowance. If they don't qualify by any means for free prescriptions, then it's worth checking whether a 3 or 12 month pre-payment certificate would save money - see
so do free prescriptions for diabetics stop when you reach 16? Bev
no as long as you are on medication for diabetes then prescriptions are free. as your son is type1 he will have free prescriptions for life bev 🙂
Certain medical conditions (diabetics on medication being one of them)
Under 16 over 60
on certain benefits (income support is one I think)

Ask your local pharmacist or GP. The nurse at my doctors surgery did all the aper work for me, or look on the web site someone else suggested

My husband who has osteoarthritis doesn't qualify till he is 60.
it certainly is stupid that certain things qualify while others dont. my mum for example cant walk more than 100 yards with out her inhalers and has constant attacks but till diagnosed as type2 was not able to get free prescriptions even tho she would get on average 2 prescriptions a week with 3 or more items on each. she was a big fan of prepayment lol
it certainly is stupid that certain things qualify while others dont. my mum for example cant walk more than 100 yards with out her inhalers and has constant attacks but till diagnosed as type2 was not able to get free prescriptions even tho she would get on average 2 prescriptions a week with 3 or more items on each. she was a big fan of prepayment lol

This is because the sytem has not been reviewed since it was introduced. The Asthma caharity are campagining for it to be reviewed.
My friend at work has thyroid trouble and is not entitled to free prescriptions. I think once her son turned 16 he could not free prescriptions for the medication he needs for his Cystic Fibrosis. The system is crazy. Why can one group get free meds and not another?
It probably does need rethinking, but i guess for some conditions there is big differences between what people need in terms of medication, like asthma. Whereas soemthing like CF it's a chronic condition so should get free prescriptions. I think I read that only 10% of prescriptions are actually paid for, as most people who need to be exempt are.

The other thing I wonder is if people who are exempt do abuse it sometimes. E.g. getting paracetamol on prescription.
i know some people will abuse the system but for others the system just doesnt work and yes it needs a complete rethink.
My friend at work has thyroid trouble and is not entitled to free prescriptions. I think once her son turned 16 he could not free prescriptions for the medication he needs for his Cystic Fibrosis. The system is crazy. Why can one group get free meds and not another?

if you have hypothyroidism Caroline you are entitled to free prescriptions, your friend should check out with her/his GP.
It probably does need rethinking, but i guess for some conditions there is big differences between what people need in terms of medication, like asthma. Whereas soemthing like CF it's a chronic condition so should get free prescriptions. I think I read that only 10% of prescriptions are actually paid for, as most people who need to be exempt are.

The other thing I wonder is if people who are exempt do abuse it sometimes. E.g. getting paracetamol on prescription.

Sofaraway I have aspirin on prescription - which you can pick up for less than 50p at Savers. However, they were put on my prescription list when I turned 40 a few year back because all diabetics were (I was told) supposed to be on them. I would be quite willing to pay the 50p for my aspirin.
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