Free online psychological treatment for pain management

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Hello everyone - As part of my PhD our research team from Kings College London, offers to people who suffer from painful diabetic neuropathy (neuropathy/nerve pain due to diabetes), free online psychological treatment based on Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT). This treatment aims to help you with pain management! If this would interest you, please email me at for further information. Thank you for your time and consideration! 🙂


Just get a blank page with a message “downloading -zero kB”. Mind, it’s only out of medical interest. Maybe it knows I don’t have painful diabetic neuropathy
Pdf download works for me.

Pdf works for me too. Mike, as well as not having PDN (criteria number 2) I think you've failed on eligibility criteria number 5. 'Have computer literacy'. 😉:D
It works for me.
Sorry I can’t help as my Neuropathy is not painful
Just get a blank page with a message “downloading -zero kB”. Mind, it’s only out of medical interest. Maybe it knows I don’t have painful diabetic neuropathy
Hi Mike I am sorry that you could not download the PDF please email me and I can send you the information sheet directly if you are interested!
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