free NHS tests as part of diabetic reviews

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I don't need to see my DN for another 6 months but how do i go about getting a podiatry assessment on the NHS and a retinopathy eye test from the opticians? there has been no mention of these and i understand that they are part of the diabetic review at least once a year. Shall i make an appointment with my DN to find out?
Carina I dont know about poditrist as i get my feet done annually by my nurse , but with the retinopathy it was one of the first things i had done , i cant of been diagnosed a month before the letter dropped at my door and i went along and got eyes done.
I don't need to see my DN for another 6 months but how do i go about getting a podiatry assessment on the NHS and a retinopathy eye test from the opticians? there has been no mention of these and i understand that they are part of the diabetic review at least once a year. Shall i make an appointment with my DN to find out?

my nurse at gps does my feet eyes are done at local hospital....speak to your DN re appointments and that you havent had them yet
I don't need to see my DN for another 6 months but how do i go about getting a podiatry assessment on the NHS and a retinopathy eye test from the opticians? there has been no mention of these and i understand that they are part of the diabetic review at least once a year. Shall i make an appointment with my DN to find out?

These should be provided automatically. Talk to your doctor and ask what the arrangements are for you to receive the retinopathy check and foot check up. Sometimes the foot check is done by the nurse at the GP but the retinopathy is a more technical thing. You can also get a free ordinary eye check at the opticians, so make sure you get that too even if you don't think you need it - they can check for things like glaucoma.
Yeah Carina, my retinopathy screening was done within a week or so of diagnosis, I'd call the docs and ask if they've referred you and if not get them to do so.

Not heard anything about feet, but she tickled them with a stick when I had my last appointment and said all was well (wish I'd known she was going to, I wouldn't have been wearing luminous socks lol).
At my GP practice, the foot checks are done by one of the nurses (ultrasound for pulses in 2 different areas on both feet plus tuning fork on big toes and pin pricks on soles) and I've had that done already. As I'm now on the practice's diabetic register, I will be offered appointments on an annual basis for retinopathy testing as well as an appointment with a dietician (don't know if that's annual or not) - I just have to wait for the appointment letter to arrive and I'll get an automatic annual recall after that.
In some areas you can refer yourself for podiatry checks, but if they feel you are managing your foot care, you may well be left to just get on with it.

See your GP as that is where I was refered from for my retinal scans. he may also be able to give you a referal for regular pdiatyr checks too, But most will check your feet.
itll mostly be dealt with by your team, but definitely chase them up on it.

I've just had to refer myself for a retinopathy screening though :confused:
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