Freaking out

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1

Some may recall my issues with health anxiety.
I am 3 weeks into private therapy for this and also have first session on the phone through NHS tomorrow.

I had my first annual review last week and they have phoned me to say they need to re so the blood test and has to be a fasting blood test on Tuesday which has obviously got me freaking out more than ever!

Why would they want to do this? All they said on the phone was ‘to see if this is a blip’

Panicking level 100 all weekend :(
Don’t panic @Jimmy2202 It could be anything eg maybe you’re anaemic and they think that’s messed up your HbA1C? Maybe your lipid screen was a bit off?

I once had to have a test repeated and I was very anxious (it was a kidney one) but my repeat test was normal and my odd result was put down to a temporary blip.
Don’t panic @Jimmy2202 It could be anything eg maybe you’re anaemic and they think that’s messed up your HbA1C? Maybe your lipid screen was a bit off?

I once had to have a test repeated and I was very anxious (it was a kidney one) but my repeat test was normal and my odd result was put down to a temporary blip.
I could write a book on the amount of ‘traumas’ I have been through personally, witnessed, or been involved so I’ve been told no wonder I feel the way I do.
I just think the worst, I’m convinced there going to tell me next week I’m basically gonna die
I could write a book on the amount of ‘traumas’ I have been through personally, witnessed, or been involved so I’ve been told no wonder I feel the way I do.
I just think the worst, I’m convinced there going to tell me next week I’m basically gonna die

I don’t think they’d have been so casual about it if that was the case @Jimmy2202 If they suspect something serious, they use a different tone to alert you that there’s a potential for seriousness. Calling something a “blip” seems more casual - ie they weren’t massively worried.

Try to think positively. They’ve spotted a possible issue and they’re going to double-check things. That’s good. They’re on the ball - you’re getting good care. Can you speak to your therapist about this and the anxiety it’s causing?
Might be something simple like your cholesterol was high which can be caused by having the test without fasting. If the blood test isn’t till Tuesday then it’s nothing life or death, they say “go straight to hospital” when it has potential to be urgent.
Might be something simple like your cholesterol was high which can be caused by having the test without fasting. If the blood test isn’t till Tuesday then it’s nothing life or death, they say “go straight to hospital” when it has potential to be urgent.
Hopefully. A couple people have said it’s prob cholesterol related.
I’ve also not drank any alcohol since the blood test and will continue not to just water as I had a bit of a alcohol binge leading up to the test.
Last time I was recalled for retesting it turned out that the lab messed things up but it wasn’t clear until after the second test.
Also various samples may degrade faster in the heat than they otherwise would do it could be any number of environmental reasons that they saw an anomaly which they want to retest.
Either way I’d certainly always want a retest done if there’s any doubt. That way you know.
Hopefully. A couple people have said it’s prob cholesterol related.
I’ve also not drank any alcohol since the blood test and will continue not to just water as I had a bit of a alcohol binge leading up to the test.
Things like liver results can be affected by various things too. I had a liver and cholesterol test that were both wildly out of range, was when I had been under the weather and had eaten lunch before the test. Nurse described it as “looks like you might have liver failure” which scared me silly. Repeated the test not long later and both came back to normal.

Whenever I’ve had something potentially serious it’s been a phone call the day after the blood test (not a week later as it sounds like your call was?) first thing in the morning from the GP themselves explaining arrangements for getting it rechecked the same day.
Things like liver results can be affected by various things too. I had a liver and cholesterol test that were both wildly out of range, was when I had been under the weather and had eaten lunch before the test. Nurse described it as “looks like you might have liver failure” which scared me silly. Repeated the test not long later and both came back to normal.

Whenever I’ve had something potentially serious it’s been a phone call the day after the blood test (not a week later as it sounds like your call was?) first thing in the morning from the GP themselves explaining arrangements for getting it rechecked the same day.
Blood test was Tuesday 12th
Phone call Thursday 14th
Re-test Tuesday 19th

I’ve not drank any alcohol since Thursday evening, and battered the water all weekend and will continue to do so, so hopefully everything will be ok but I bet it won’t be!
My mind tells me something bad is around the corner
Hi Jimmy, Im sorry your stressing. I’m no stranger to trauma and health anxiety is the absolute worst isn’t it? I always felt I coped pretty well through life had plenty of challenges, I thought I was pretty though. I’m glad you are having counselling.. I’m still on a waiting list from Jan 21’ for nhs but I have paid privately in the past and probably should of continued but there was always something more important I felt I needed to spend the £60 a week on. I seemed to cope ok with the diabetes diagnosis originally then shortly after that I was under investigation for cancer. Several types, this started my health anxiety and it went into overdrive from there. A doctor just before my endoscopy who could see my uncontrollable shaking said look for every 100 people who are sent to me with suspected cancer only 1-2 will have it, my toxic brain immediately heard that I have a chance of cancer and not that I had a 99% chance if not having it? I have an Apple Watch for heart rate and ecgs, blood pressure monitor , urine dipsticks and I’m constantly doing home blood tests. I’m obsessed with my glucose control. Some days it’s unbearable but there are slow improvements. See our brains are feeding us lies Jimmy, it’s giving us the worst case scenario and then we have to set about debunking it… it’s exhausting. I constantly google for reassurance. Sometimes Sorting the mental will benefit the physical immensely, and it’s learning to say to your brain, ahh I see what your trying to do to me but it won’t work, I’m going to be just fine, and if there is something slightly off I’m going to sort it and again I will be fine. Just for a little example see the attached photo. This was a set of my full blood results, see how most were was out of range… id just had a breakdown, I mean full blown out of hours clinic breathing in a brown paper bag job crisis team the works. The test was repeated and I’m fine, they said it was the breakdown my body just stopped working properly. I know it’s hard, and sorry for the long message, but posts like your really effect me because I just feel the worry and I know how intense and overwhelming it can be, but you got this Jimmy. Promise

Also Hopefully this link will work… I find it useful



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Hi Jimmy, Im sorry your stressing. I’m no stranger to trauma and health anxiety is the absolute worst isn’t it? I always felt I coped pretty well through life had plenty of challenges, I thought I was pretty though. I’m glad you are having counselling.. I’m still on a waiting list from Jan 21’ for nhs but I have paid privately in the past and probably should of continued but there was always something more important I felt I needed to spend the £60 a week on. I seemed to cope ok with the diabetes diagnosis originally then shortly after that I was under investigation for cancer. Several types, this started my health anxiety and it went into overdrive from there. A doctor just before my endoscopy who could see my uncontrollable shaking said look for every 100 people who are sent to me with suspected cancer only 1-2 will have it, my toxic brain immediately heard that I have a chance of cancer and not that I had a 99% chance if not having it? I have an Apple Watch for heart rate and ecgs, blood pressure monitor , urine dipsticks and I’m constantly doing home blood tests. I’m obsessed with my glucose control. Some days it’s unbearable but there are slow improvements. See our brains are feeding us lies Jimmy, it’s giving us the worst case scenario and then we have to set about debunking it… it’s exhausting. I constantly google for reassurance. Sometimes Sorting the mental will benefit the physical immensely, and it’s learning to say to your brain, ahh I see what your trying to do to me but it won’t work, I’m going to be just fine, and if there is something slightly off I’m going to sort it and again I will be fine. Just for a little example see the attached photo. This was a set of my full blood results, see how most were was out of range… id just had a breakdown, I mean full blown out of hours clinic breathing in a brown paper bag job crisis team the works. The test was repeated and I’m fine, they said it was the breakdown my body just stopped working properly. I know it’s hard, and sorry for the long message, but posts like your really effect me because I just feel the worry and I know how intense and overwhelming it can be, but you got this Jimmy. Promise

Also Hopefully this link will work… I find it useful

Wow Emma that’s the message I need to read! Thank you.

I had the phone call today (nhs) threrapist and she said straight away I have severe health anxiety. I’m being referred to someone else that specialises in this.

Count down begins to tomorrows test
Hi Jimmy, Im sorry your stressing. I’m no stranger to trauma and health anxiety is the absolute worst isn’t it? I always felt I coped pretty well through life had plenty of challenges, I thought I was pretty though. I’m glad you are having counselling.. I’m still on a waiting list from Jan 21’ for nhs but I have paid privately in the past and probably should of continued but there was always something more important I felt I needed to spend the £60 a week on. I seemed to cope ok with the diabetes diagnosis originally then shortly after that I was under investigation for cancer. Several types, this started my health anxiety and it went into overdrive from there. A doctor just before my endoscopy who could see my uncontrollable shaking said look for every 100 people who are sent to me with suspected cancer only 1-2 will have it, my toxic brain immediately heard that I have a chance of cancer and not that I had a 99% chance if not having it? I have an Apple Watch for heart rate and ecgs, blood pressure monitor , urine dipsticks and I’m constantly doing home blood tests. I’m obsessed with my glucose control. Some days it’s unbearable but there are slow improvements. See our brains are feeding us lies Jimmy, it’s giving us the worst case scenario and then we have to set about debunking it… it’s exhausting. I constantly google for reassurance. Sometimes Sorting the mental will benefit the physical immensely, and it’s learning to say to your brain, ahh I see what your trying to do to me but it won’t work, I’m going to be just fine, and if there is something slightly off I’m going to sort it and again I will be fine. Just for a little example see the attached photo. This was a set of my full blood results, see how most were was out of range… id just had a breakdown, I mean full blown out of hours clinic breathing in a brown paper bag job crisis team the works. The test was repeated and I’m fine, they said it was the breakdown my body just stopped working properly. I know it’s hard, and sorry for the long message, but posts like your really effect me because I just feel the worry and I know how intense and overwhelming it can be, but you got this Jimmy. Promise

Also Hopefully this link will work… I find it useful

Sorry to butt in on this, but as someone else with health anxiety (never diagnosed/treated), your post has helped me immensely.

Jimmy - I hope you're okay and I really feel for you. As others have said, the lack of urgency on their part implies to me that it's nothing too serious.
My guess would be on a slightly abnormal result in liver function if you'd been drinking a lot of alcohol. Possibly a raised gamma GT. That would likely be normal after drinking nothing but water for a week or so. Another marker for allcohol excess is sightly enlarged red blood cells seen on a blood film. Same thing applies. It's worth noting that alcohol does not reduce anxiety, but makes it worse.
Sorry to butt in on this, but as someone else with health anxiety (never diagnosed/treated), your post has helped me immensely.

Jimmy - I hope you're okay and I really feel for you. As others have said, the lack of urgency on their part implies to me that it's nothing too serious.
I am overwhelmed to hear that it helped you and Thankyou for letting me know. I really do know how bad it can be. Xx
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