Frailty Score randomly appeared on my medical file

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I regularly check my NHS App to see if there are any changes to my report, too early for my blood test results as I only had it yesterday but I noticed the number of results had changed from 79 to 80 which I thought was odd. I opened it up and at the top next to 28th September is something called a frailty score. I googled and it says its to assess hospital admission likelihood (well in a round about way) but its for the over 65s and a test is normally completed (things like mental and cognitive ability along with my test results, risk for heart problems etc) but...I am 57 and have had no test and its made me feel like they consider me a higher risk than I do.

This is what I found online - t presents an output as a score indicating the number of deficits that are present out of a possible total of 36, with the higher scores indicating the increasing possibility of a person living with frailty and hence vulnerability to adverse outcomes.

Now I feel even older than before, I wonder if its because 3 generations of my family had alzeimers and both parents had cancer or could it be just an admin error and this is someone elses score
Just checked again and its there but its zero, which you would think was good, but why is it even there when I am 57 and not had any sort of test on the date next to it on the report
Perhaps they just add it to everyone’s or everyone above 50 or whatever, so it’s there ready to be used when needed. I wouldn’t worry about it @Jenny65 It will probably be some admin thing to make life easier, not any reflection on you 🙂
I take the view any test is good.
For me, is its either going to be clear, or its not.
If it's not, I have a lot of things I still want to do!
Perhaps they just add it to everyone’s or everyone above 50 or whatever, so it’s there ready to be used when needed. I wouldn’t worry about it @Jenny65 It will probably be some admin thing to make life easier, not any reflection on you 🙂
Hi Inka

Yes I just heard the same from my sons wife who is an Occupational Therapist, she visits the elderly and people who need support just come out of hospital, she said that as its zero its there in preparation for when I have the tests, she said she thinks its for 60 and over, its just google said 65 and mentioned elderly and in my head I am still middle aged at most and not elderly in my 50s (me being hopeful here) Its odd when you hit a certain age and suddenly you have all these health checks, mammogram, poo test kits (colon cancer) diabetes, and then cognitive ability will be coming my way soon. Its good they check and you can prepare and delay problems but it does make me feel ancient too xxx
I’m a bit younger than you @Jenny65 and I frequently feel ancient :D Age is just a number, remember. Try to focus on positive things rather than things that make you feel a bit bad. I make myself think of three positive things when I start dwelling on the future or worrying about random things. They don’t have to be big positive things - just three things you can list quickly in your head.
its just google said 65 and mentioned elderly and in my head I am still middle aged at most and not elderly in my 50s
I’m 66, so over the 65 threshold. I mentioned the words 'elderly' and 'frailty test' to my family and they burst out laughing. We’ve just had a week in Scotland and I and OH who is 74 have been scrambling up rocky hillsides all week.
Most if not all surgery systems automatically generate a frailty score. I have 'mild frailty'.
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