found help with carb counting!

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Hi to all!
I thought i would share my good news with you all - today my daughter downloaded an application called 'carb finder' onto her ipod. I am absolutely amazed at the detail it has in it, it tells you normal sorts of foods, and restaurants,chains etc. but more importantly you can add your own food details and also download various restaurants who publish their nutritional food values! Because its an american application a lot of the restaurants are american, but loads are here and like i said you can add your favourite restaurants etc just by downloading them! We actually went to a subway (not my choice but my son was desperate) and we were able to accurately work out his insulin requirements, and when we got home his level was 7, which almost always never happens after eating out as we usually try to guess the carbs! Forgive me as you probably know all this dont you? I am just excited as it will make our life a bit easier as we eat out a lot at weekends! Bev
I think I've worked out that I need one unit bolus per 7g of carb. Does that sound right to you trained carb counters? I've tested it based on Sue's tip about Bran Flakes at breakfast time and thus far it's working for me.
it really does depend so much on the individual but I'd say it certainly doesn't sound an unreasonable amount.
Im not aure why but i have heard that the morning injection can required more than your normal meal amount of insulin (so for example- 2 units to 10g carbs compared to 1 unit to 10g for lunch/ evening meals).

my morning dose is about 3-4 times more compared to during the day.
Im not aure why but i have heard that the morning injection can required more than your normal meal amount of insulin (so for example- 2 units to 10g carbs compared to 1 unit to 10g for lunch/ evening meals).

my morning dose is about 3-4 times more compared to during the day.

It's due to what is usually referred to as the dawn phenomenon where hormones cause more glucose to be secreted in the morning, meaning that more insulin will be required. It seems to be quite a common thing and I've heard a lot of people on here talk of how it affects them. I on the otherhand seem to like to buck the trend and have a higher ratio in the eveing than any other time!
sounds a good application Bev, was it a free download or did you have to pay for it?

akd- sounds ok to me, you might find that you have different ratios at different times of the day, and that ratios will change over time. I have used as much as 1:5g and currently using 1:30g.
sounds a good application Bev, was it a free download or did you have to pay for it?

akd- sounds ok to me, you might find that you have different ratios at different times of the day, and that ratios will change over time. I have used as much as 1:5g and currently using 1:30g.

Hi we had to pay for it but it was only about ?2 - worth every penny! I think you have to pay for updates and any extra downloads etc - but only about the same price! Bev
Hi we had to pay for it but it was only about ?2 - worth every penny! I think you have to pay for updates and any extra downloads etc - but only about the same price! Bev

thanks will have a search tonight. hoping to get an itunes voucher for my birthday so will be able to get it then. Does sound very convienient as I usually have my ipod on me.
'carb finder' on i-pod

not up on i-pod technology, can you download this on Google on computer?
Hi ,
My daughter says she doesnt think so sorry - but just to let you know i personally am not very technical - but i find the ipod so easy to use! They are ?170 but there are so many things you can do on them and such fun! Bev
okay thank you bev might try one, was only used to listening to music on the old walkmans!
Thanks Bev i might try one, was used to the old walkman for listening to music!
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