Forxiga dapagliflozin

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I've just started on the above but it makes me sweat does anyone else have this side effect
I've just started on the above but it makes me sweat does anyone else have this side effect

Welcome to the forum @Maddy22

Do you have a means of checking your blood glucose levels?Your Dr should have provided you with a BG meter because Dapagliflozin carries the possibility of causing hypoglycaemia.

Sweating isn’t one of the more common side effects listed here

But it may be that your BG levels have dropped more towards the normal range having been above range for a while. This can mean you get some of the symptoms of hypoglycaemia while your BG levels are still in a good range? (sometimes called fake hypos) These will wear off once your body becomes more accustomed to your levels being in the healthy range as your ‘glucose thermostat’ re-adjusts.

Of course it is also possible your BGs may be running low at that point (below 4.0mmol/L) in which case you need to know and take prompt action, because low glucose levels are potentially quite dangerous!
Hello Maddy22 ! I have only just joined the forum, but l almost sighed with relief when l read your post!
Today l was told l am pre-diabetic, but have been on Forxiga since January ‘23 for heart failure.
I too am aware of the intense sweating. I have never really suffered with it before, and to be honest, it has only got really intense the past 4 months.
It is as if l have a broken thermostat, and the intense heat only abates when it chooses to. I am 67 so not the menopause. It is not 24/7, but enough for me to go to the GP. Hence finding out l am pre-diabetic, but still unaware of what is officially causing the heat!
You posted in August, but please share if you have found anything out. Oh, and it did get a lot worse when l caught Covid for the second time back in August.
Good news My body has adjusted and I now don't get the sweating so regularly

Good to hear @Maddy22

Nice to see you again 🙂

How have thing been going, aside from the improvements with your meds?
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