Forum painfully slow today

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi All

I am finding the forum painfully slow today, so going to log off now and will try again later.🙄
Yeah Lucy i have found this,left a thread on it other day and others had the same issue, with me it seems to be between the hours of 3pm-6pm that it's slow for me, hope you get better luck when you try later x
I'm not sure this can be down to DUK's servers as my connection has been fine. You're not all using the same ISP are you? Sky?
I'm at work and it seems OK from here. The only time it is slow is when our servers are slow here.
Have been off and on since 8am and it's been as fast as it usually is for me (not with Sky though)
yeah im using sky why is that an issue?

Might be a 'contention ratio' thing... If lots of people using one ISP are all having problems at peak usage times, it might just be down to how thinly their ISP is spreading available bandwidth.

Much in the same way that existing users can notice a fall-off in performance after a big marketing push. All depends on how many users are competing for how large a slice of the available cake.
Might be a 'contention ratio' thing... If lots of people using one ISP are all having problems at peak usage times, it might just be down to how thinly their ISP is spreading available bandwidth.

Much in the same way that existing users can notice a fall-off in performance after a big marketing push. All depends on how many users are competing for how large a slice of the available cake.

One eck of a good answer cheers M x
Seems fine to me too! Try a disc clean up on your pc or laptop, this generally quickens the speed in which you can view things on the web. Toby.
Yep - I am on sky - but does seem back to normal now. Was so slow before.
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