Former Military Leaders Are Calling Obesity An American Security Concern

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Recently a group of retired American generals, admirals and civilian military leaders published a report called "Ready, Willing, And Unable To Serve" to highlight the growing national security problem ? Pentagon statistics show that 75 percent of young people ages 17 to 24 are currently unable to enlist in the U.S. military.
The report lists the three main barriers to enlistment as the failure to graduate high school, a criminal record and lack of physical fitness (including obesity).
It notes that 27 percent of enlistment-age young adults are too overweight to join the military ? many are turned away by recruiters while "roughly 15,000 young potential recruits fail their entrance physicals every year."
Oh dear. :( They do have a point don't they?

The subject of this thread reminded me of Wall-E. XD
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