Forgot to take Levmir last night

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I forgot to take my levemir last night as there was alot going on here when I was trying to go to bed, levels this morning been at 9.6 since i woke up till now... I was 10.6 when I went to bed.
Not eaten yet. Just wondering why its a good reading (for me was told 4-10)
Ideas on this?
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Hmm, if you forgot to take I would take some now, try a split dose for today or something? You can't really go without your background insulin as you may find that your levels shoot up later on
I will take it just wonder if theres an explination on why they are below 10 without it
Had you been quite active or not eaten many carbs? You said it was quite busy where you were around bed time.

Hope you got things sorted today and all is well.
I wasn't busy exactly just everyone around me was stressy n trying to drag me into it lol. Nah I don't think I had... not really.

Hi Lou, the slow-acting insulins usually take about 2-3 days to register changes, so your lower levels were probably due to the fact that you hadn't missed enough for it to make a big difference (if you see what I mean). Be careful though if you've taken the whole dose several hours late as this might send you low later on. Keep a close eye on your levels and make sure you don't go to sleep on too low a level.🙂
Hi My name is Steve, Like Salmonpuff says you need to take some levemir now to avoid going too high. What ever you do, never give up taking your insulin it helps you live. If you ever need to talk away from this forum my email address is *******
take care
I forgot to take my levemir last night as there was alot going on here when I was trying to go to bed, levels this morning been at 9.6 since i woke up till now... I was 10.6 when I went to bed.
Not eaten yet. Just wondering why its a good reading (for me was told 4-10)
Ideas on this?
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I've just edited the above post to remove contact details, please use private messages for if exchanging personal details!

Thanks guys!
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