Forgot my T1 pump spares so help!

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I’m in Brighton for the weekend and realised this morning that I forgot to pick up the travel bag with pump consumables to do a set change.
I put a general post out on Facebook to see if in could find anyone local to help and even requested to join a couple of groups that were suggested/ came up, but am still a bit stuck.
I do have the back up pens, but have been pumping for so long that I’d forgotten what to do. I did call my DSNs recently but don’t appear to have had a callback, and in the middle of relocating it had slipped. Luckily I got some good info from the Boots pharmacist on the high street, so have self administered levemir dose, but struggling with the bolus.
So I have a shop bought sandwich for lunch, 54g carb. Current ratio according to pump is 1:7. So that’s literally how many 7’s in 54 right? Answer is 7 with 7 remainder. So the bolus would be 7-8u?
I’m a bit embarrassed about the basic nature of this, but obvs need to get it right!
@drlam23 if your pen insulin to carb ratio is 1:7, you calculation looks Ok. However, we tend to need less insulin when pumping. For example, my insulin to carb ratio on my pump is 1:14 and with a pen it is 1:10.
You are also likely to find your basal dose will be higher with a pen (my pump basal is 13 units and my pen dose is 18 units).
Once you have sussed it, I highly recommend making a note on a piece of paper you keep with your pens or on your phone. Pumps fail and humans fail so we need a back up.
Thankfully numbers stick in my head. However, when I have been forced to revert to pens, I have struggled to remember to take my basal. I ended up putting an alarm on my phone to remind me.

Presumably you still have a working CGM to monitor your levels closely? Your arithimatic is correct. Do you need any correction on top of the bolus. ie what is your premeal reading as I would factor that into rounding up or down... So if I was in the 4s or 5s, I might round down to 7 and if I was higher I would go for 8units.
Yes Dexcom working fine thank goodness! Also monitoring via fingerprick testing to be sure
Right I’m going in!
I would be a bit concerned about a pharmacist advising me on basal dose at short notice like that. Your Levemir dose is going to be a best guess, so do keep a close eye on things.
I would be a bit concerned about a pharmacist advising me on basal dose at short notice like that. Your Levemir dose is going to be a best guess, so do keep a close eye on things.
He didn’t give me numbers, just found info on working it out, which I was too panicked to find for myself…I managed to get an average total daily dose and followed the formula from there. It’s not perfect, but it got me out of a jam and is as far as I can remember, pretty much the same sort of thing my DSN walked me through…
When is/was the set change due @Drlamb23 ? Not ideal but I’d have just left the cannula in if it only for a short time over the change time.
The alarm for the empty cartridge woke me up this morning at about half five (thanks T1!). Five minutes later I realised I’d left the supplies at home…
The alarm for the empty cartridge woke me up this morning at about half five (thanks T1!). Five minutes later I realised I’d left the supplies at home…

Oh! Empty cartridge - no good then! Someone will probably tell me off for ‘wasting insulin’ but I always fill mine well over what I’ll use.

I hope you’re ok on MDI. Luckily it’s only a short time, but I know how stressful it is.
You are not the only one to have done this and don’t be embarrassed about asking questions. There was a recent thread where people posted their silly mistakes. Your calculations are right and then there are corrections to do. So do the best that you can on pens and keep a close watch on your levels with your sensor.

I drowned my pump whilst away on holiday, and had no record of the info I needed to switch since the pump was broken. I now have a record of the info about basal doses and bolus ratios in with my pens, as @helli suggested.
The alarm for the empty cartridge woke me up this morning at about half five (thanks T1!). Five minutes later I realised I’d left the supplies at home…
Can you set an alarm for cartridge getting low? Mine is set at 20 units, but I have then ignored it on occasions and got caught out.
I thought it was but missed it this time?
Head has been so full of logistics
You are not the only one to have done this and don’t be embarrassed about asking questions. There was a recent thread where people posted their silly mistakes. Your calculations are right and then there are corrections to do. So do the best that you can on pens and keep a close watch on your levels with your sensor.

I drowned my pump whilst away on holiday, and had no record of the info I needed to switch since the pump was broken. I now have a record of the info about basal doses and bolus ratios in with my pens, as @helli suggested.
have experienced a water / pump interface that resulted in much the same…learmed that lesson pretty quickly!
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