Forgot my insulin

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Came to work today and forgot to bring my insulin as I was in a rush. Any advice, bloods are at 10.9 and am starving.
Not really feasible today. To be fair my levels are now at 8.1 so I just will wait till I get home and have a bigger dinner!
Could you have something like just eggs for lunch to make you feel a bit more full but not add much glucose to your system?
Not really feasible today. To be fair my levels are now at 8.1 so I just will wait till I get home and have a bigger dinner!

You could have some cheese and salad veg just to tide you over. That shouldn’t have a massive effect on your blood sugar.
This has happened to me a few times. In my early 20s when I was newly diagnosed. I worked in a psychiatric unit as what used to be called a Nursing assistant. The first time it happened I just ate and dealt with the high (not to be recommended especially when eating stodgy hospital dinners!) The second time it happened I got a telling off from one of the qualified nurses and told to go home and get my insulin. Luckily I lived within walking distance.

I did it again only this week and was able to drive home to get my insulin but if I'd been working at one of my other locations that day it would have been impractical to drive home. So I'm going to take that on board about low carb snacks like cheese salad and nuts and my sandwiches would have to stay in the lunchbox but I hope it doesn't happen to me again.
I just have a low carb lunch when this happens
Hope your day went well @sharp00782

Perfect day for an impromptu basal test for the afternoon slot?
(skipping a meal to check basal insulin doses work correctly)

Sometimes I’ve treated these memory lapses as an opportunity to recognise and reflect on the position of the many hundreds and thousands of the people in the UK and further afield who cannot afford to eat regular meals.
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