Foreign doctors 'must speak English'

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Foreign doctors wanting to treat NHS patients in England will have to prove they have the necessary English skills, the government has confirmed.

Concerns were raised after a German doctor, Dr Daniel Ubani, gave a patient a fatal overdose on his first and only shift in the UK.

He had earlier been rejected for work because of poor English skills.

From April there will be a legal duty to ensure a doctor's English is up to scratch before they are employed.

Foreign doctors will have to prove they can speak a "necessary level of English" before they are allowed to treat patients in hospitals or in GP surgeries, the Department of Health said.

Good communication is essential for all HCPs. I have had more than one consultation with someone I found very difficult to understand, and who didn't really understand me.
Very very difficult.

Patti just had to see someone about an eye problem and he was Italian and she couldn't understand him - she had to come out and ask the flipping nurse what was wrong with her eye.

Just not good enough, is it?
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