For those that remember me a catch up

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
My cousins daughter has special needs and needs looking after. My cousin was rushed into hospital which we found out was HHS. Hyperosmolar hyperglycaemic syndrome (HHS) is a serious complication of diabetes mellitus. HHS occurs when a person's blood glucose (sugar) levels are too high for a long period, leading to severe dehydration (extreme thirst) and confusion.
This has meant she has had to stay in hospital eight weeks as she was so week and needed strength and physio to walk again.
So I have been in Scotland with her daughter and well I have been bad.
I have not been eating good and my good blood sugars are going bad. I have gained more weight and got more and more depressed. I only had my phone so hard to text as yes you got it I have very little feeling in my hands and feet.
I was given Glicazide up there but also stopped these. I cannot seem to get on with diabetic medication.
So maybe back at home I can start and be good again.... or not. The choice has consequences but I seem to not really care. Food seems better. My cousin of course was losing weight and is Type 1. Unlike self inflicted me.............. oh well
Hello again @Nayshiftin

Lovely to see you again, but sorry to hear what a tough time you’ve been having :(

How is your cousin’s daughter doing now? HHS can be really nasty - it’s like the T2 equivalent of DKA

Sorry to hear you sounding so down. Be kind to yourself, and do what you can to look after your diabetes wherever you are.

You didn’t ask for a diagnosis with diabetes. And you are no less deserving of care, no matter what type you have.

Hope you can find a management strategy (with or without meds) that works for you in the long term.
My cousins mum had the HSS and it is but she is now type 1 if she was type 2 . She is on insulin morning and night and out of hospital but still not strong. My cousins daughter who I looked after is doing great now mum is home and will hopefully get assistance as her mum will struggle.
I have an appointment rebooked with the diabetic nurse next month and go back to Nordic. I’ll have to just go face that diet but mentally I am saying what’s the point. She’s losing weight on insulin and even in hospital she had everything she wanted. I think the more people tell us it’s diet n exercise the more I want to just go for the wrong things. Somehow I have to reset to healthy. Hubby is helping but I am still feeling sorry fir myself since home. Tomorrow is another day. Thanks everyday for support
Ah sorry! I misread the opening bit.

I *think* if it’s HHS it is more likely that she is now insulin-dependent T2, rather than T1? Using insulin doesn’t mean a change of type - actually there are more T2s who take insulin than the total number of T1s 🙂

Glad you were able to help them in their time of need. I am sure they hugely appreciated it!

Sounds like you might need to have a chat with your GP/nurse about how hard you are finding things and how low your mood is? They may be able to refer you for some extra support.
Thank you . Yes I had to cancel my appointment in August as was up there. I am going with what she is saying . I asked a nurse when she was in hospital was it Ketoacidodis but she said no her ketones were fine . She is severely dehydrated and has been in what we call HSS she was in intensive care they thought she’d not pull through. She gets 18 at night and 14 in the morning or vice versa I can’t remember as was said so as not for me the numbers stick but the times I could be muddled . She said to me because I watch my diet it’s because you have type 2 the fat disease. I believe she had no idea before she had this. Could it be that she was type 2 undiagnosed and burnt herself out so now type 1? I am confused too. She is on insulin now and just eats as she wants. Her blood sugars were still worse than mine before she took insulin . I was almost par with her with no drugs or insulin. She has been very ill and I’d not want that at all . I will need to see what I can do as I read depression and diabetes do go hand in hand . I am so low and don’t know if ever I will cope but it’s morning snd always my worst time. I’ve read on here people do get better. So there must be a tiny bit of hope somewhere . I’ve had two rice cakes with Brie and yoghurt and a banana and grape nuts been up since 6 but up and down all night and it’s not ten o’clock yet. Maybe I don’t know I’ll feel like dieting tomorrow but I really don’t want an omelette or eggs or whatever else one needs to eat. So fed up with you must not eat this and that’s bad even fruits bad . I’ve looked on diets here but always some barrier will be put up. I’m just sick of life I guess. Thank you
Ah big hugs to you @Nayshiftin

Things will get better, and you deserve to be happy.

You will find a way through this. Hang in there!
Thank you
Sorry to hear of your troubles, it’s important to look after yourself especially as you’re caring for others. I agree with Mike that it sounds like T2 on insulin that your cousin has, not T1. If ketones were fine and HHS was diagnosed, then that is what makes it sound like T2. If misdiagnosed T1 then there would probably have been ketones and possibly DKA with the high blood sugars.
Just sending you a hug @Nayshiftin It’s hard when you’re feeling down. I find a daily routine helps as does keeping busy, even if it’s with chores or little things.

If you feel really bad, do speak to your GP. There’s no shame in needing a little extra support sometimes.
Thanks . I think it’s just that. IVF been away two months. I had a strict routine there where I was not seen to do naughty things. I love Scottish fodder as been brought up there as a child. Returning here. Hubby has done his best but it’s now s bachelor pad rather than my home. He does not like that I did not lose weight etc etc. So yes I will feel better once I get back to bring the wife. I guess change is expected. Like returning from holiday going back to work is sometimes not so appealing
Sorry to hear that you feel depressed. It can be so easy to feel like that. Perhaps your GP can get you some counselling which might help? Don't be afraid to ask for help when you need it. You have been so helpful to others. You can and you will get back to better BG levels and a more sustainable way of eating etc. It is probably not going to happen rapidly so baby steps and be kind to yourself. I find going out for a walk everyday and trying to see something that I did not notice before helps me, also trying to think of a couple of nice things that have happened during the day is helpful. Hubby is probably afraid of your health deteriorating so his concern is natural, but you must be give time to adjust and recover. You have been so occupied with looking after others. Please don't give up now. Good luck and wishing you success. This is your time to be cared for by everyone. Sending you a hug {} 🙂
Thank you.
Seen nurse post my HBA1c which was 57 She accepted that as being reasonable. Thankfully no meds given. She did mention statins but my cholesterol was within range and Bp fine. She was reasonably in date with diet trends too . I felt she took things seriously just what can be given if what she said was inevitable at some stage diabetes gets a hold . Is the latter bit true? I heard little else after that. Going back after to see orthopaedic consultant post scan tomorrow knowing an op is in front which changed things greatly for the worse for me last time. She just said they may use a bit of insulin but to go with whatever happens. Can I do anything to help me not react in the way of my diabetes reacting post op ? Is it always a downward path once you have the diabetes type2. My family have all ended up on insulin usually before they die.
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@Nayshiftin No absolutely not a downward path towards insulin and death.
I started off with a Hba1c of 91 and used my knowledge of diet and metabolism etc. to decide my way of dealing with it and everything went right from then on.
Some weeks I don't eat any eggs at all.
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