For those in Remission

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
How many carbs a day, I’m currently doing 20 to 30 grams a day
I was running at between 100 and 150g per day on average when my HbA1c bottomed out at 38mmol/mol.

But I was exercising a lot (1hr per day every day and 90mins at the weekend of brisk walking around the local canals).
I do meet the (lax) standards for remission- though not low enough to satisfy me yet, but expect to be there by next HbA1C test.
All done on LCHF and some IF. No diabetes medication or extra exercise.
Total daily carbs in the 20gms to 50gms range (mostly towards the lower side).
My BG has been "normal" for >12 months - if that counts as "remission"?

I eat lots of fibre - usually about 70g per day. How many "carbs" I eat depends on how you treat that: fibre is actually carbohydrate, despite how it gets treated on UK and Oz food labels. US labels include it in the carb count and on that basis I usually eat 170g-200g per day. Looking at it the UK/Oz way, 100g - 130g. Personally, I use the ADA recommendation: subtract half the fibre count from the total, which gives 135g - 165g.

Mainly fruit, avocados, seeds, vegetables - very little grain.

(The reason for not ignoring fibre is that it can actually affect BG, depending on what type of fibre and what yr individual gut microbes do with it. Including half of the fibre in yr carb count is a really rough approximation but IMO much better than ignoring it completely.)
Oddly enough I had decided this weekend to list all that I eat and then work out the carbs.My BG has been consistently between 5-6ish.I keep to the same.foods but am just interested to know approx carb intake. I don't think it is at the lower end. I suspect between 100-130 daily. Still will find out at weekend. That is the weekend sorted
I started at under 50 gm per day - got Hba1c of 41 on that, but no weight loss, dropped to 40 gm still no change, but I thought - well it took a long time on stupid high carb low fat diets to get here - I'm feeling OK, getting thinner if not lighter, I can go back to work - this is alright - it might get better umbers sometime, but should I worry? Probably not. If this is as good as it gets, I can't complain.
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