Foot puncture wound complications


New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1.5 LADA
Hello, I am new to this group. To give you some background, I have LADA diabetes 1.5
I am four years in and have had basal bolus insulin therapy for two years and have less than optimal glycemic control.
I am otherwise fit and active. Two months ago I stepped onto an upturned floorboard with protruding nail and suffered a deep puncture wound. I immediately sought treatment at an a&e department. I now have a chronic bone infection and after a third inpatient stay will soon be home with support from hospital at home team for administration of long term intravenous antibiotics.
I wondered whether anyone with a similar experience would be willing to offer advice. I understand that a diet to help bone health will be important. Thank you
Welcome to the forum, I can’t help with this other than to offer support and wish you a speedy recovery.
Hi @Bexty Sorry not to be able to help with your query but pleased that you have found the forum.

You mention that your control is less than ideal. Improving this might help with dealing with the infection. What strategies have you tried to improve your management? There is loads of experience to tap into on here, so do ask fancy questions that you have.
Hello and welcome @Bexty

I’m sorry you’re having an ongoing problem with bone infection.
I had osteomyelitis in my ankle joint after an ulcer got infected. I had numerous stays and IV antibiotics in hospital but it wouldn’t clear up. In the end I was in hospital for 3 months with a cocktail of antibiotics & needed numerous operations to debride the wound and remove areas of dead bone from my foot. I needed a skin graft over the wound & slowly it started to mend.

As @SB2015 says getting stable in range glucose levels will be one of the biggest factors in promoting healing- as well as antibiotics. I’d contact your diabetes clinic/DSN and ask for advice on getting optimal glucose levels if there’s some room for improving them. Managing to do that helped me turn the corner & clear the infection from my bones.

Best Wishes, it’s a drawn out challenge to overcome osteomyelitis but doable.