Foot problems.

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Last week I posted about some leg ache I was having. The symptoms were aching feet and paleness. I finally got to see the doctor yesterday and I want
to update on what he said, bearing in mind the foot pain has got worse and both feet are deathly pale.
He thinks it is one of three things- side effect of the Simvastatin tablets I am on. Been taken off them for time being.
Diabetes is damaging the nerves in my feet- gone on a different tablet a day for that.
A muscoskeletal problem, again caused by the diabetes. On a different tablet three times a day for that.
I have to go back in a fortnight to see if any of these have worked.
Also I had a review with the nurse yesterday and everything else was good apart from loss of sensation in the toes on my left foot. She is leaving the doc to deal with this as part of the other problem.
Thats that, couple of tense weeks watching how my feet react.

Its not how hard we hit, its how hard we get hit and keep moving forward.
Hemase, good luck with the feet. When I was first diagnosed i had pins and needles in both feet and my toes and the front of my feet felt numb all the time. After I was put on medication my feet gradually got better.

My feet never seemed to get overly pale as your's have but the pains were annoying and I had difficulty when walking up and down stairs or kerbs as I couldn't feel where I was stepping due to the numbness.

Hope the tablets do the trick.
As an after thought, if the medical opinion says everything is OK have you thought about new shoes? See what the medics say first and then see if maybe the shoes will help.
I will be purchasing new footwear after payday anyway as they are due. Not sure if thwy have anything to do with it as I wear several different types through the week.

Its not how hard we hit, its how hard we get hit and keep moving forward.
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