Foot Pain...

Mr Happymoose

Relationship to Diabetes
Type 3c
Hi folks.

I've had a bit of an oddity over the last week to ten days so I'm wondering if it seems familiar to anyone here as, with all of the issues I have these days, it can be difficult to pin things down.

Thursday before last I woke up with an unexpected sharp pain in the ball of my left foot just under my big toe. It was quite painful and tender but seemed to get better as the day progressed. It felt like I'd bruised my foot although there was no sign of a bruise and I couldn't think of anything I might have done that would have bruised it that badly.

The following day it was worse when I woke up than it had been when I went to bed but did seem to get quite a bit better during the day but then, on the Saturday morning I woke up in extreme pain but still no sign of a bruise or any marks at all.

For the next few days I could barely walk on it at all and it's only really now, over a week later that things are getting back to normal. There was a small reddish patch that looked a bit like bruising that appeared and disappeared but that was the only visible sign of anything.

I had recently had a sarcoid/IgG4 flare up (It's impossible to tell the difference these days) and it may have been related as I have had foot pain caused by that in the past, although it was nothing like this.

With the benefit of hindsight, I maybe should have gotten it looked at and if it happens again I definitely will, but like I say, just wondering if it sounds familiar to anyone?
Could it be gout?
Pretty certain it's not gout. It was a thought I'd had but I was missing a lot of the surface symptoms and I've also just had a whole load of diabetes, sarcoid and whipple related blood tests which would have shown it up.
May have, they may not have been looking for it. My bro in law gets it, usually joints in the feet, very red, cannot stand on it and cannot bear even the weight of a sheet on his foot. Build up of uric acid crystals. Tablets help, but it sounds as though that's not what you have.Hope it gets better.
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I have to wear an inserts in all my shoes AND slippers ! This avoids me getting an internal bruise under the left big toe. It's due to a (UK word) bunion. Have you checked the appearance of your big toes for shifts in position ? i.e. an unexpected lean towards the other toes with a large lower toe joint projecting in the opposite direction ? Untreated it can also thow the knee out of alignment.
When I had pain in my foot which I assumed was gout, I googled it and went onto Tart Cherry pills. Don't know whether or not that cured it, but it's gone and I've now stopped taking the tart cherry.
May have, they may not have been looking for it. My bro in law gets it, usually joints in the feet, very red, cannot stand on it and cannot bear even the weight of a sheet on his foot. Build up of uric acid crystals. Tablets help, but it sounds as though that's not what you have.Hope it gets better.
I didn't have any of the tight, red skin and the only time it hurt was if I stood on it. Very little in the way of actual swelling as well. Starting to feel better now thanks
I have to wear an inserts in all my shoes AND slippers ! This avoids me getting an internal bruise under the left big toe. It's due to a (UK word) bunion. Have you checked the appearance of your big toes for shifts in position ? i.e. an unexpected lean towards the other toes with a large lower toe joint projecting in the opposite direction ? Untreated it can also thow the knee out of alignment.
Interesting. A bruise under the left big toe was exactly how it felt. The alignment of my toes looks okay but I'll definitely keep an eye on that.
Possibly plantar fasciitis, suffer from this myself in ball of foot although no marks are visible when it flares up, if it is PF then stretching exercises help.
Possibly plantar fasciitis, suffer from this myself in ball of foot although no marks are visible when it flares up, if it is PF then stretching exercises help.
That's definitely something else to keep an eye on.
My hubby has Morton’s neuroma it’s sounds a similar pain, but it was only when he was walking. He kept thinking he had something in his shoe but nothing was ever there. He got some orthopaedic insoles and they did help.