Foot damage


Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I went to get a new plaster cast for my foot a few days back as it felt painful. I had a bad fall a few weeks ago and had a lot of bruises up my legs. The person doing the cast looked at the bottom of my foot and said they were worried about it. My skin was really pink and about to break down in to an ulcer due to increased pressure on the displaced bones caused by Charcot foot damage.

I've written about the lack of accessible podiatry clinics before on here. I used to have high risk NHS clinics every 7 weeks then Covid hit. The clinics disappeared and I've only managed to get 4 NHS podiatry clinics over the last 4 years. I pay for private podiatry every 6 weeks to try to save my leg. I'm not seen at an orthopaedic clinic any more as was told my only option is a below knee amputation or to carry on in a cast. The surgeon was realistic and said if I didn't want the surgery available to me - an amputation - then there was no point in having further appointments and arranged for me to self refer to the plaster clinic.

I do everything I can to be as ok as possible with blood sugar, blood pressure and all the rest. Without regular high risk podiatry care I'm up the creek. When I ring to ask for an appointment I'm asked if there is a wound & up until now the answer has been no, I'm then told I'm on a waiting list - my last appointment was November time. If I get a wound then I'm probably on a fast track to amputation. I am so cross, upset and angry that this is happening again.

For now I have some dressing to apply under a split plaster cast and hope things settle and don't go wrong with an appointment for 1 week. Diabetes is such a devastating, terrifying, exasperating condition. I feel like crying that all my attempts to take good care have led to this.
Oh Goodness! I am so sorry to hear this. You try so hard to keep going with the very significant complications that you have and it must be an incredible battle for you every day and it really feels so wrong that the NHS are not supporting you nearly as much as they should. All too many people seem to fall through the cracks in the system because they don't quite tick the right boxes or the NHS doesn't seem able to operate a joined up approach. I feel that @MikeyBikey is in a similarly frustrating and frightening situation and I dread to think how many countless others! Sending you (((HUGS)))) and hoping with all my heart that somehow there is a change for the better in your circumstances very soon. I can totally understand you being so upset and frightened.
Have you tried contacting your MP or PALS perhaps?
Oh @Flower , I am sorry, you work so hard to keep yourself on an even a keel as possible. I hope you get some improvement, both in the foot, and in the service you’re receiving.
I'm not one to lie, but would be tempted to tell (in my head) a white fib), to secure a podiatry appointment.

I feel so frustrated for you @Flower , so can't begin to envisage how it must be for you.
I'm not one to lie, but would be tempted to tell (in my head) a white fib), to secure a podiatry appointment.

I feel so frustrated for you @Flower , so can't begin to envisage how it must be for you

That thought has crossed my mind on numerous occasions! It seems a blunt method to decide who needs an appointment & I feel like I’ve fallen through a gap.
Oh @Flower sending you love and healing.
Take care of yourself, we are here for you even if we cannot help
So sorry to hear that you are having such additional difficulties @Flower
You do so much to take care and manage so well. Such an inspiration for us.
Take care, and come here fro a rant and lots of (((((virtual hugs)))))
I went to get a new plaster cast for my foot a few days back as it felt painful. I had a bad fall a few weeks ago and had a lot of bruises up my legs. The person doing the cast looked at the bottom of my foot and said they were worried about it. My skin was really pink and about to break down in to an ulcer due to increased pressure on the displaced bones caused by Charcot foot damage.

I've written about the lack of accessible podiatry clinics before on here. I used to have high risk NHS clinics every 7 weeks then Covid hit. The clinics disappeared and I've only managed to get 4 NHS podiatry clinics over the last 4 years. I pay for private podiatry every 6 weeks to try to save my leg. I'm not seen at an orthopaedic clinic any more as was told my only option is a below knee amputation or to carry on in a cast. The surgeon was realistic and said if I didn't want the surgery available to me - an amputation - then there was no point in having further appointments and arranged for me to self refer to the plaster clinic.

I do everything I can to be as ok as possible with blood sugar, blood pressure and all the rest. Without regular high risk podiatry care I'm up the creek. When I ring to ask for an appointment I'm asked if there is a wound & up until now the answer has been no, I'm then told I'm on a waiting list - my last appointment was November time. If I get a wound then I'm probably on a fast track to amputation. I am so cross, upset and angry that this is happening again.

For now I have some dressing to apply under a split plaster cast and hope things settle and don't go wrong with an appointment for 1 week. Diabetes is such a devastating, terrifying, exasperating condition. I feel like crying that all my attempts to take good care have led to this.
I am very sorry for flower
I had problems in getting to see the nurse at my doctors
When I had problems with my left foot
Last year
Ask for an appointment in July but was told none was available until the first week of of September
By then the toe had gone black
The result was it was removed but the damage was done
Two more toes removed but in the end on the 27th of December
I had a below the knee amputation
All I can personally say is keep your spirits up
I am very sorry for flower
I had problems in getting to see the nurse at my doctors
When I had problems with my left foot
Last year
Ask for an appointment in July but was told none was available until the first week of of September
By then the toe had gone black
The result was it was removed but the damage was done
Two more toes removed but in the end on the 27th of December
I had a below the knee amputation
All I can personally say is keep your spirits up
I’m so sorry to hear what you’ve had to deal with @Halmoons I hope things are settling for you & you’re managing.

Urgent & timely treatment and care is vital for diabetic foot problems. I try my best with limited success to access appropriate care but it is exasperating when things go wrong despite best efforts.

I try to remain optimistic & hopeful that things will settle & that I can avoid amputation if not for ever then for as long as possible.

Wishing you well.
Good luck with getting the help you need. I know all about the fears (I was told regularly to prepare to lose my leg), so you have my sympathy. Keep fighting!

Ack @Flower :( :( :(

Just (((((((((hugs)))))))))))
So sorry to read this @Flower ! I will post more in a day or two as my mind is all over the place - pleased that we have a change of Government but drained by my ongoing foot issues. . It's been a busy week with three appointments in three days ranging from Podiatry to Amputee Physiotherapy. In the middle of it all my phone chucked up a memory photo of my big toe/foot exactly four years ago. Staggering to think it would be nearly two weeks before I was hospitalised for 13 weeks. Hopefully it will not come to that for you.
Update- I went back to orthopaedics yesterday and the damage on the base of my foot hasn’t developed into a foot ulcer. The relief made me cry.

I’ve got some new dressings & a fluffy doughnut shape cushion inside my cast to try & protect my foot.

I’m feeling sad at dragging these terrifying complications from nearly 30 years ago alongside all the amazing new tech developments that help to manage T1 today.

I get told “but your HbA1c is good” as if that is sufficient to rebuild my bones & foot. However well I do today it can’t undo the damage, it doesn’t necessarily stop things from going wrong either.

Feeling both relieved & worn down by T1 & the ongoing fear from my complications at present.
So relieved for you that it isn't an ulcer and they have been able to make you a bit less uncomfortable and provide support, but totally understandable that, despite doing your best and having great tech to help you, the fear of deterioration cannot be totally negated and must be very real and ever present to you. You are doing so well though and you are an inspiration to all of us, so try to focus on that rather than what might happen and take it one day at a time, as you have no doubt been doing for many years. Try to see all the little minor achievements each day and give yourself a big pat on the back for each one. You are doing great! Don't lose sight of that!
Sending more (((HUGS)))
Really good to have some positive news, massive relief for you. Fingers crossed the new dressings and cushion help a lot.