Foot check


New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I was diagnosed with type 2 a few weeks ago and have been invited for my first foot check. I don’t know what to expect, but I’m a bit worried about it as I have a fungal nail on my big toe, and a piece of bone sticking out of the side of my foot which I was born with. Any info or advice would be appreciated.
First of all Dont worry about it They are there to help you. They have seen it all b4 so nothing shocks them its just a few basic cheques Wellcome to the forfum
I was diagnosed with type 2 a few weeks ago and have been invited for my first foot check. I don’t know what to expect, but I’m a bit worried about it as I have a fungal nail on my big toe, and a piece of bone sticking out of the side of my foot which I was born with. Any info or advice would be appreciated.
I have had fungal infection in various toe nails on and off for years and tried various paint on products either prescribed or bought but the podiatrist I saw as my nail had become partially detached (not as bad as thought as new nail had grown up underneath) but he recommended roughing the nail surface with a course file and applying Vick every day. It seems to work well.
Otherwise foot check very straightforward.
I was diagnosed with type 2 a few weeks ago and have been invited for my first foot check. I don’t know what to expect, but I’m a bit worried about it as I have a fungal nail on my big toe, and a piece of bone sticking out of the side of my foot which I was born with. Any info or advice would be appreciated.
It’s a sort of check to see if you can still feel your feet? “Neuropathy.” If you step on the thumb tack/lego brick. Class on a beach bear foot? Are you aware. Then the ensuing possible complications of being diabetic with infections from unknown not felt at the time foot injuries?