Foot advice needed

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2

For the past 4 or 5 weeks I've been suffering from an intermittent pain in my big toe which only lasts for about 20 minutes or so. However, for the past 2 days its been constant - it feels like I've got cramp when I put any pressure on it but its definitely not cramp.

Any idea whether this is likely to be diabetes related folks?

PS sorry if I've posted this in the wrong place, if I have perhaps a moderator can move it for me.
It might be diabetes related, but if you are worried go see the doctor or the podiatrist and get it checked out. Is it swollen at all? I hope it feels better soon
There's a possibility that it could be transient neuropathy. As you've only been diagnosed a couple of months it's possible that your nerves are more sensitive to changes in your blood sugar levels. I experienced this quite a lot in the first few months after diagnosis, but very rarely feel it now. Big toes seem to be the most common places to feel such pain - for me it's like a sharp stabbing pain, but some feel numbness (if that's possible!). It's certainly worth asking your doctor or a podiatrist about it. Have you seen a podiatrist yet? All people with diabetes should have at least an annual foot check to make sure they're in tip top condition! 🙂
Cheers, I'll see if I can get in to see the GP if it carries on over the weekend.

My GP has said nothing to me about a podiatrist - all I've had is the practice nurse stabbing me with what can only be described as some sort of nylon brush and then attacking me with a tuning fork - which was actually surprisingly pleasant 🙂. She said I was fine.

And that reminds me, she also said she would refer me for the eye test with the drops but its been about a month since I saw her and I've still not had an appointment so will ring.
The eye test may take a while to arrive. I was told when first diagnosed they don't like to do the tests too quickly as the medicines need time to start working. It could be as little as a couple of months (around three I was told) or as much as a year. Depneds where you live and how you get your care.
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