Food Chart

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi all.
Further to my previous posts for some ideas for improvement when you attend for your Diabetes Review...
Would a list of foods that you can eat be a option you would benefit from?
Not really, since every food in existence would be on the list. There aren’t any banned foods it’s about understanding what portion size and combination of foods works for you
Hi all.
Further to my previous posts for some ideas for improvement when you attend for your Diabetes Review...
Would a list of foods that you can eat be a option you would benefit from?
@Lucyr is right - each of has had to figure out a diet that works for us as individuals, in many cases it ends up being by trial & error. I took me a while to settle on a low carb diet that was sustainable, and even that still gets tweaked sometimes.
So i'll ask again then...what sort of things would help in your annual diabetes reviews? xx
Diabetes management is so much more complex than your question suggests. Even on this forum where we have a lot of experts in their own individual diabetes management, we would struggle to agree on a list of such foods, because it depends on so many different factors.
Type of diabetes, if weight loss is needed or indeed possibly weight gain, medication, other conditions which may restrict diet in other ways which possibly conflict with diabetes, ability to cook and tastes and response to particular foods and probably a whole lot more.
Assuming members of this forum are a tiny proportion of all PWD attending reviews, what could help the rest is a positive recommendation to join this forum!
So i'll ask again then...what sort of things would help in your annual diabetes reviews? xx
I posted a lengthy and well considered response to your post last Sept and got no feedback on it, so I am loath to waste my time typing more.
Hi all.
Further to my previous posts for some ideas for improvement when you attend for your Diabetes Review...
Would a list of foods that you can eat be a option you would benefit from?

Definitely not! I can eat all foods!

I agree with @silentsquirrel that a recommendation to join this forum would be the best thing you could suggest.
A diabetes review would be a year after diagnosis - and far too late I think to undo the damage many people seem to experience at diagnosis, getting no help but being labelled with any number of negative attributes and not getting any good advice on what to do next.
Ordinary type 2s like me can reverse diabetes - and for me it was quite laughably easy - just by not eating all those 'healthy' carbs. It took a matter of weeks.
The NHS really needs to wake up and realise just how bad it has become at keeping people in good health both physically and mentally.
So i'll ask again then...what sort of things would help in your annual diabetes reviews? xx
Many T2 would benefit from being given a BG meter, test strips on prescription, and printed instruction sheet on how to test their response to different foods for themselves.
The NHS really needs to wake up and realise just how bad it has become at keeping people in good health both physically and mentally.
Absolutely right about the current state of affairs. Changes in mindset are needed on both sides. When we get T2D, as a result of our diet and lifestyle, it comes as a shock. We realise we have to do something about it but, in my case at least, no guidance was available. All I had was a packet of Metformin and a lifetime sentence.

What I think we need is a concerted action, sponsored by the Government and the NHS, to come up with well prepared, very well presented guidance (about fatty liver as well as T2D). This would provide a common hymn sheet for professionals and their patients to fill the present woeful void, other than out of date documents from NICE.

It's said there are about 1 million people with diabetes waiting in the wings and probably another million prediabetics. Helping us all to take care of ourselves would be hugely beneficial.

Professors Mike Lean and Roy Taylor, Dr David Unwin, Freshwell and others has been ploughing their lone furrows for years. High time for everyone to benefit from their experience.
Absolutely right about the current state of affairs. Changes in mindset are needed on both sides. When we get T2D, as a result of our diet and lifestyle, it comes as a shock. We realise we have to do something about it but, in my case at least, no guidance was available. All I had was a packet of Metformin and a lifetime sentence.

What I think we need is a concerted action, sponsored by the Government and the NHS, to come up with well prepared, very well presented guidance (about fatty liver as well as T2D). This would provide a common hymn sheet for professionals and their patients to fill the present woeful void, other than out of date documents from NICE.

It's said there are about 1 million people with diabetes waiting in the wings and probably another million prediabetics. Helping us all to take care of ourselves would be hugely beneficial.

Professors Mike Lean and Roy Taylor, Dr David Unwin, Freshwell and others has been ploughing their lone furrows for years. High time for everyone to benefit from their experience.
Well said
So i'll ask again then...what sort of things would help in your annual diabetes reviews? xx

I think individualised care is really important.

Meeting each person where they are, and encouraging them to find their own path through all the available options. Usng a BG meter to develop a personalised BG friendly menu (for those that are interested in that. Plus low carb, low calorie/gradual weight loss, even rapid soup/shake programmes - helping them develop a personal ‘toolkit’ of strategies and approaches that are sustainable for them, and meet their goals and aspirations.
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