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Sorry, I simply haven't a clue as it's never bothered me, just been a pretty simple and quickish way of getting to wherever I actually want to go at the particular time, always for holiday purposes so I've always been looking forward to getting there and discovering or rediscovering 'there' if I've been before.

I suppose it depends on what's bothering you about it as to what might work - so at least try asking a decent pharmacist, which always worked for me if someone told me eg the place was mosquito ridden so get taking your anti malaria tablets, or we'd need a yellow fever jab or whatever it was. Our GP surgery were pretty good at knowing what you needed for where and providing same. No idea whether it's still like that or not.
Hello is there anything I can take to calm me down for flying have type 1

Yes, but many doctors are reluctant to prescribe anything. I got a low dose of one of the -azapams once. If you’d rather not go to a GP, you could try something like valerian or other herbal calming medicines. Also, I sometimes just have a drink if I haven’t taken any meds.
At this stage talk to a pharmacist, and try some deep breathing relaxing techniques. Best advice I can give for the flight is to tell the cabin crew when you board, I usually try and do it with a bit of humour something along the lines of, every flight has an anxious/ nervous passenger and I am todays, I also used to tell any passengers I was sat next to just incase I started to cry during the journey, I found owning the fact that I was nervous (that was putting it mildly , I really did wonder if a holiday on the sun was worth all that fear) did at least help rather than trying to pretend I was ok.

Going forward I recommend Easyjet Fearless flyer course, not cheap, but certainly cheaper than BA’s course, I did one earlier this year and have been on 4 flights since with no issues whatsoever, as always with EasyJet there is a lot of upselling afterwards, but no obligation to buy any of that stuff.

Hope you have a lovely holiday once you are off the plane as honestly I do understand. I once told my husband we couldn’t go because I couldn’t find a particular dress to take, of course it was the thought of the plane causing all the anxiety.
Forgot to add, only docs can prescribe -azapams, but pharmacist might know of the best alternatives In herbal/otc meds.

But even with diazepam the anxiety in the lead up was awful, and stepping onto the plane was still difficult, and I had to have an isle seat, forward of row 10, on a blue plane (TUI), so I decided I needed to do something to try and change that as I was still uncomfortable the whole journey.
My brother is totally phobic about flying. It is a control issue. He lives in Tenerife so it is more of an issue than it might be for others. His Dr in Tenerife has prescribed Methadone which is a heroine derivative and even with one the night before, one the morning of the flight and one at the airport, he becomes a drooling, gibbering, wreck who is difficult to keep upright in a wheelchair by the time you get to the check-in desk, let alone the plane and has to be more or less carried onto the plane semi conscious, even with the medication. For a very intelligent, fit man, it is shocking to see what his mind can do to his body and a stranger seeing him would either think he was stinking drunk or physically and mentally challenged. He has tried hypnotherapy but that freaked him out too because again it is a control issue, but might be something worth exploring in your case. The last time he flew, the flight was delayed 10 hours after we got into the departure lounge and I had to keep him sedated throughout with the Methadone and we nearly needed to take him to hospital when we got there because he was overdosed (unbeknown to me he had taken an extra tablet before leaving for the airport) and dehydrated because he wasn't conscious enough to eat or drink. His wife will not allow him to fly again. It is a testament to his willpower that he has put himself through it as many times as he has and the only reason he did on that occasion, was to attend Dad's funeral. Oddly my brother used to be a rock climber so not frightened of heights or danger but just the lack of control! He is not a good passenger in a car either!! 🙄
It is a really horrific thing to deal with and I hope you manage to find something that works for you. I think there is a herbal supplement called Rescue Remedy which can help low level anxiety. You put drops of it under your tongue.
Rescue Remedy is very good. I was a complete cynic but had some in the cupboard so took a few drops and it did help the panic (this was a non-flying related panic).

Your poor brother @rebrascora I think often there’s no logic to phobias and sometimes they just get beyond our control.
Aaah - Bach Flower remedies. Can you still get them? Haven't seen any for over 20 years.
Aaah - Bach Flower remedies. Can you still get them? Haven't seen any for over 20 years.

Yes, you can get the Rescue Remedy (I like the drops) in Boots and some other chemists. For a bigger range, you’d need to visit a Health Shop.
I've never tried any of em cos just normal stuff either OTC or prescribed, for whatever's wrong with me, still works perfectly OK.
I didn't take my first flight till I was in my mid 30s as I was quite anxious about it. Then my girlfriend at the time said she wanted to take me to Berlin for my birthday...I hesitated but then said lets do it! Went to my GP and was prescribed diazepam. GF said a the time that she wasn't sure I would go through with it when I came round to hers the night before the flight. After taking a diazepam she was reassured as I was asking her want she wanted in her sandwiches for the flight. Didn't need it on the return flight and never taken it since.
I went to Spain earlier this year and again I was a bit anxious. Lots to think about as I was going with a group of strangers and didn't feel too well due to acid reflux and knew that managing blood sugars would be a was. The morning of the flight I was sat in a layby near East Midlands airport thinking "I can't do this". The phone kept going off "Where are you Neil?" "We're through security and sat in a cafe". As I sat there ruminating about how dull the next week would be staying in the UK something just shifted and I got myself going, through security and was sat with them all before I knew it. Yes I was still a bit anxious as the plane taxied and as the plane took off but I realised once we were up and in level flight that I actually like flying now. I love looking out of the window and trying to work out what we are flying over and watching the change in the landscape.
I'll fly again and I'll be anxious again I'm sure but I wouldn't want to miss that experience both of flying and at the other end.
My first experience of 'flying' was in a Tiger Moth around Southport, it took off from the beach and did a few circuits, very cold, very noisy, I was terrified but in hindsight it was an amazing experience as a teenager.
My next flight in a proper plane was not for another 25 years, out of Heathrow to South Africa but with several stops on route for refuelling etc only slightly nervous but what a way different experience.
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