Flying to/from UAE with a pump

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I have flown hundreds of times since my Type 1 diagnosis to some "interesting' counties around the world.
Many of these flights have been with a pump so I am well versed in explaining that it cannot go through the body scanner.
When I had a tubey pump, I would often unplug it for the scan. With my tubeless pump, I have to be a little firmer and usually lift my top a little to flash my pump.
Next week, I am traveling to Dubai (don't get excited, it is work) for the first time. I am conscious of respecting local customs and the requirement to dress discretely. So I am concerned my usual "pump flash" will be inappropriate.

Hence my thread. Does anyone have any experience of flying from Dubai airport with an insulin pump, especially a patch pump which cannot be seem or disconnected?
I’d guess that with the correct letters they’ll be ok.
Maybe double check the UAE website as they can be a stickler for certain meds which we’d not even bat an eyelid over carrying.

My only experience of the UAE was as part of a theatre company and we were taking in lots of radio equipment, swords, daggers and assorted guns for stage use. Even with the proper paperwork it took hours to get through and we were guests of the various Emirati royal families in whichever bit we were in.

Don’t understand how Dubai has grown into a tourist destination at all though. I can understand Abu Dhabi and even Oman perhaps but not Dubai. Hopefully as it’s a work trip you’re on it’ll be fine.
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