Flying and Temporary Basal Rate

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Off to Antigua for a weeks holiday next week, wondered what you guys did with your TBR for an 8 hour flight, I'm thinking off upping it to 150% or 200%, last time I flew my levels were high and I just took correction doses, suppose plenty of testing is the answer....I know it will go high, so just a question of how much I raise the TBR by!
I think it's very much a case of trial and error, but I generally raise my basal by 150%, and I start this about half an hour before we're due to board (and make sure I have something to munch on in case we are late boarding! 😉) I usually find this does the trick for me, but I've only tested it on short flights. 🙂
Just out of curiosity, why would you need to up your basal delivery on a plane, something to do with the pressure..........?
I've always found that my BGs go up when I fly, and on our DAFNE course we were told that altitude increases insulin resistance, so you usually need more insulin at high altitudes. 🙂
I've always found that my BGs go up when I fly, and on our DAFNE course we were told that altitude increases insulin resistance, so you usually need more insulin at high altitudes. 🙂

Thanks, I have never really thought about that.......🙂
Just out of curiosity, why would you need to up your basal delivery on a plane, something to do with the pressure..........?

Yes....and sitting around for 8 hours, doing nothing!
Last time i flew , i had a hypo during flight and that was without adjusting basal rates .oops just remembered that was pre pump .Just another quick question dont you have to turn off bluetooth during flight ?
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Jenny if you've got the combo you go through the menu on each bit, the pump and meter if I remember rightly
We did Antigua early August, as it was a day flight we just did 2 hourly testing and corrected as necessary. Found the heat in antigua pushed BS up significantly.
At the airport coming back some of the security had problems understanding why we had needles , pumps etc but were very good natured about it all.
We did Antigua early August, as it was a day flight we just did 2 hourly testing and corrected as necessary. Found the heat in antigua pushed BS up significantly.
At the airport coming back some of the security had problems understanding why we had needles , pumps etc but were very good natured about it all.

I am going to try 150% TBR, can you use bluetooth on the plane?
I am going to try 150% TBR, can you use bluetooth on the plane?

It looks as if some of the posts have been eaten 😱 Think the answer was no though.
I've always found that my BGs go up when I fly, and on our DAFNE course we were told that altitude increases insulin resistance, so you usually need more insulin at high altitudes. 🙂

I hadn't a clue about this and don't fly enough to discover it for myself. Thanks for sharing, don't wanna start my honeymoon next year with high BG!
I hadn't a clue about this and don't fly enough to discover it for myself. Thanks for sharing, don't wanna start my honeymoon next year with high BG!

............I'll let you know how mine goes when I come home
Just back from a fantastic weeks break in Antigua......I went with a TBR of 200% for the 8 hour flight, worked really well! 🙂
I haven't read the links yet but I will - Yes you DO definitely have to turn bluey off on both pump and meter, and then of course remember to turn it back on when you get there!

Just use the pump itself manually on the plane and use the meter errr, as a meter. Have a practice before hand for a couple of meals or something if you regard the prospect with horror LOL

I don't need any practice but that's another story ....
We did Antigua early August, as it was a day flight we just did 2 hourly testing and corrected as necessary. Found the heat in antigua pushed BS up significantly.
At the airport coming back some of the security had problems understanding why we had needles , pumps etc but were very good natured about it all.

Good grief, heat always = Hypo City here!
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