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Old Holborn

Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I'm always getting nagged at by o/h, DSN and GP about my low intake of fluid. They don't seem to understand that I drink when I need a drink. Until recently that was about 2 cups of coffee a day. Now, with all the nagging, I'm on 4 - 5 cups a day but definitley don't enjoy them. I know the medic's say you should drink 2l a day but I just can't manage that. Are any of you the same.

I've drank only coffee for about 30 years, if none about I don't drink.

Hate tea as those I last drank left an oily film in my mouth. Can't stand water, has a very metalic taste.
Do you like any squashes at all? I don't like to drink too much water but sugar free ribena makes a change. I have no problem drinking and drink around 3 litres a day. I would be concerned about my kidneys if I drank less than a litre a day.
Do you like any squashes at all? I don't like to drink too much water but sugar free ribena makes a change. I have no problem drinking and drink around 3 litres a day. I would be concerned about my kidneys if I drank less than a litre a day.

Don't like squash or fizzy, since a kid. Did have a thing about booze at one time but since June 1980 haven't touched that.
I drink copious amounts of tea, a little fruit juice and the odd fruit squash. I hate plain water and no longer drink alcohol or coffee. I've also given up drinking fizzies as I can no longer have them fully loaded and sweeteners tend to give me headaches. Another reason I worry about them.
Luckily i love water and god im glad i do as i have 2.5 litres of the stuff a day and id have more apart from the fact i think id start floating and grow gills.I like you cant stand tea nor coffee only very rare will i have coffee if i do everyone always look a ghast and says wow steff what are you doing lol.
Medics say a lot and we're all different my inlaws barely have a drop all day (okay slight exaggeration!) but they do have a drink when needed they're healthy enough, maybe have an extra glass of something now and again but don't force the issue.
It would be useful to drink a bit more as coffee itself is dehydrating. If your BG's run high you could become dehydrated rather easily. People do adjust to low fluid intakes. My late mother suffer severely with Parkinsons and cut down because going to the loo was a struggle. I think a good way of judging is to look on urine. If it is dark coloured you really need to up your fluids.

I drink tea, coffee, water, have milk with my cereal in the morning, the occasinal diet coke plus the odd pint or two or three... At one stage they used to check for protein leakage by analysing a 24 hour urine collection. I held the surgery record at just shy of 4 litres!
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