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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
If anyone has not had the flu jab, get it, I didnt...........

I feel as if I am going to die.................ketones a plenty last night, constant toilet visits, vomiting..........arghh..........I am struggling to even type this.....

A bit better tonight due to the sick day rules.....

Take care all....................
Bleh! :(

Hope those strong Scottish antibodies start doing their stuff for you soon! 🙂

Is this of the 'man flu' variety...........😱

Just make sure you drink plenty for the ketones and increase your basal for a day or two to help with levels. The true test for 'flu' is if you are sitting in the lounge and you see a ten pound note on the lawn - and you go out to pick it up - then you only have a cold. If there is a fifty pound note on the lawn and you dont have the energy to go and pick it up - then you have the 'flu'.🙂Bev
Sorry to hear your poorly i never refuse anything like that lol even though i have a needle phobia

Get well soon rapid.x
I dont believe i have ever had it before...........all I want to do is sleep, eating is out the question, i feel freezing, but Im roasting, dizzy.........

All I know is I want it to be over........

I am following the dafne sick day rules......

if ketones are between + - ++ then inject 10% of total daily dose the previous day....

if higher, ++ - +++, 20% seems to be keeping the bgs stable and is dropping the ketones.......

Hope you are feeling better soon. Ask your OH to get you some re-hydration sachets - they should keep your electrolytes stable and give you basic nutrients.
Hope you get over it soon my friend, sounds awful :( Sounds like DAFNE is helping though 🙂
Hope you're feeling better soon novo 🙂
I had the jab yesterday. Felt like a hangover all day today though.
Sorry to hear you've been struck down with it. Glad you are managing to keep it more or less under control. Hope you have a speedy recovery.
Get well soon.
Oh no 😱 Hope you feel better soon and those horible ketones disappear
Sounds rubbish, hope you're back on your feet soon enough, and certainly before that tenner in your garden blows away!

Take care,

Hi Novo, hope you feel much better soon.x
Ugh, this sounds horrific! Sounds like you're doing all the right things. Hope you feel better soon.
Hope you feel better soon, I had flu a few years back and felt like death so you have my sympathy, ever since this time I ensure I take up the offer from my gp without hesitation.
Hope you are feeling better soon.
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