Flu Vaccination

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Much missed Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I was at my GPs the other day and say a poster about flu vaccinations. It said one every year diabetics is recomended by the Department of Health.
There was also a leaflet that I'm just looking at now. It has a list, including long-term heart condition, which is also me.
My drs sent me a letter back in October telling me come in and get one done. I've been having the flu jab for about 7 years now as they offer it to us where I work.
I had it last week and need a pneumonia jab every 5 years. Highly recommended (some people require the 'egg' free one if they're allergic to them).
I also have the flu jab every yeah, ever since I was a child due to Asthma. So they also vaccinate me for pneumonia.
All doctors I've been registered when have always sent a letter out to all patients with the relevant chronic diseases...
I'm surprised they didn't send you a letter Ralph, they're usually pretty eager to sign up as many as they can because they get a few quid for a few seconds work! 🙂 Definitely worth having it, far better than the risks of getting the flu when you have diabetes - flu is bad, but with diabetes it's much, much worse :(
On my list I had "Immunisation: Am I supposed to be immunised against flu and pneumococcus bacteria?" I must of got that from somewhere. Must have decided it needed checking!
With how things are, it's necessary ask and make sure people know.

Edit: On my list of things to bring up when I see nurse or doctor.
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Personally I don't go for a flu jab. I know chest infections are caused by different viruses but each time I have a flu jab it is followed by a bad chest infection
That was interesting Caroline. I have always had flu jabs with no ill effects until this year. I went down with a terrible chest infection something I have never been prone to. When my chest cleared I blew into a peak flow gadget and had no puff so went on a inhaler as my airways were not clear, just temporary I was also sent for a chest X-ray the result was fine. All that was a few weeks ago and I recovered well , now I have a rotten sore throat . I've always considered my self luck as I never got coughs and colds but after this year I am in two minds about next years jab.
Muddle - they are all dead vaccines, but more importantly - there have been and still are - some absolutely LOUSY chest infections about this year - we can probably blame the warmer weather and rain for that (the low (rain) clouds keep all the air full of the bacteria circulating back forth and around us wherever we go instead of it being blown away into space) And of course when it's milder and damper, fungal spores and suchlike breed to their hearts content.

It ain't very healthy all in all! I dread having to go to the docs or hospital at this time of year, every year because of all the unhealthy people! I know that sounds nasty, but it's true.

I have to say before flu jabs became more common - muggins was often the only one at work in some of the places I've worked, especially in an air-con one. Why didn't I get it too? Because I'd had the blooming jab, that's why!

So I'd say they do actually work - for MOST people. Caroline is a bit of a one-off - don't tell her that though, don't want her to get big headed!
I get a letter very year from the surgery to make an appointment, I've been having the egg-free flu jab ever since I was diagnosed and have no clue if it's worth it or not. I haven't had flu at least - several nasty chest infections but not flu. I refused the pneumonia one as it would have meant going into hospital and being monitored for any adverse reaction - I was too scared to risk it.
That was interesting Caroline. I have always had flu jabs with no ill effects until this year. I went down with a terrible chest infection something I have never been prone to. When my chest cleared I blew into a peak flow gadget and had no puff so went on a inhaler as my airways were not clear, just temporary I was also sent for a chest X-ray the result was fine. All that was a few weeks ago and I recovered well , now I have a rotten sore throat . I've always considered my self luck as I never got coughs and colds but after this year I am in two minds about next years jab.
my friend who is considered in an at risk group as she has asthma said almost the same thing and is having a re think about next years vaccine.. It is a personal choice and we all make that choice based on past experiences and current information
I had a chesty cold following mine, but I blame my son not the vaccine, he already had it before I had the vaccine. Doctor was saying there is alot of a chesty cold around this year.
I had a bit of a headache after the recent one, but fine after a day or so 🙂 Never been offered the pneumonia jab, never even been mentioned to me.
I got offered the flu and pneumonia jabs pretty much as soon as I was dignosed
I have had a flu jab every year since 2000, but the only time I had a pneumonia jab was in 2003. I was told at the time that it was a once-in-a-lifetime jab.
Here I go again. Up half the night with a gungy chest. I've lost my voice to, much to my husbands delight. Trophywench you are probably right re weather condition what we need is a good cold snowy spell to kill the bugs so my husband says, and he is always right, I think.
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