Flu/swine Flu Jab

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I am going to have my first Jab for Flu which i have been told is also a swine flu jab aswell on Monday. Litlle concerned that this is going to make me feel rough. Has anyone had this new injection yet?:confused:
Hi Harry,

I had my jab a couple of weeks ago and apart from a tender arm for a few days I had no side effects. Good luck 🙂
I had mine just over a week ago and no side effects whatsoever, hopefully you'll be the same 🙂
All diabetics are offered the flu jab chorltonboy but it is up to them whether they accept it. I had mine as I would prefer to avoid flu if at all possible. Also I work with children, little ones who are likely to sneeze on me at any moment lol. Having an illness such as flu is liable to send our BG's up, so another reason to avoid it if possible. I had a sore arm for 24 hours and felt a bit sleepy during the afternoon.
Do all diabetics have flu jabs and why are they needed?

As a diabetic our imune system is compromised, which means we are more likely to catch colds and flu far easier than others and will effect has more than others, that the reason for having the jab.

Look at it like having house insurance, you keep paying out hoping you will not need it, but if you didn't have it and your house burnt down, you will regret it 😱
I am going to have my first Jab for Flu which i have been told is also a swine flu jab aswell on Monday. Litlle concerned that this is going to make me feel rough. Has anyone had this new injection yet?:confused:

yes and dont worry about it. I have had the flu jab for around 10 years now will no ill effects. they will give you a leaflet and basically you cant have it if you are unweel or got a fever.

some people do report a sore arm or feeling a little rough but nothing to concern yourself with and far better to have the jab than the flu!
Very few people have a adverse reaction to the flu vaccination and I would recommend it to anyone who has diabetes. I had mine 2 weeks gone Saturday and it was fine, just a little tenderness afterwards and my bg did raise unexpectedly later in the day, but overall it is painless and very worthwhile. Keep a eye on your blood glucose the following 24 hours after the jab in case it does cause a bg spike...........good luck! Toby.
Hi dont worry about it had mine beginning of the month apart from the top of my arn being abit stiff for about day and a half that was it x
Had mine the other day, no bad effects what so ever. So much so that I totally forgot I'd had it.
Had mine with no side effects at all. Been offered the pneumonia jab in November - anyone had that? Any side effects? Is jab same as flu jab?
Had mine with no side effects at all. Been offered the pneumonia jab in November - anyone had that? Any side effects? Is jab same as flu jab?

Hi Lucy, I had my pneumonia jab last year at the same time as my flu jab (different arms). I had no side effects with it, but I did think it stung a bit more than the flu jab but that could have been just my imagination 🙄.
Hi Lucy in the same as Carole I had mine last year along with my flu jab and apart from the dull pain taking abit longer to go then my flu jab arm it was all ok x
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