Flu jab? (LauraH)

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Active Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hello 🙂
I've been reading messages here for a while now, but first post!

I've been wondering about the flu jab recently, I've just had my annual letter from the GP. I've had the flu jab every year for about 3 years now, but every time I become really poorly afterwards, and I can pretty much discount going to work for the next few days. This year I'm considering whether I should get it or not. I know I don't want flu, but I'm fed up of this happening.

Has anyone else found the same thing? I've spoken to my family but they are quite jumpy about my diabetes so they all said I should just get it. I'd really like to know what some other diabetics think!

Thanks 🙂
Hi Laura and welcome to the forum

You should really talk to your Dr about your previous experience and see if they can do anything that might help - such as giving you half a dose and then another half at a later date - they sometimes do that with small children.

The Dr will also be in the best place to advise on the pros and cons of the vaccine.
Hi Laura, welcome to the forum 🙂 I moved your post into its own thread so it wouldn't get overlooked.

I wonder if you are having some sort of reaction to the injection? I know at least one of our members can't have the jab because she is allergic to eggs. Definitely worth discussing with your GP as there may be some alternative they can use. I think if you can endure it, it is worth having because flu can be truly awful with diabetes - even a mild cold sent my levels shooting up! 😱

Let us know what you decide, I will look forward to hearing more from you! 🙂
I'm not sure why it effects some people more than others, I have had the flu jabs for the past 7 years and have never had a reaction, not even a sore arm.
I hope you can get something sorted.

Hi Laura, welcome to the forum. As others have said it would be a good idea to discuss it with doctor as it seems unusual to suffer quite so much after the jab. I've been getting it for years with no problems.
Hi everyone,

Thanks for your replies. I think I will take your advice and speak to the doc after all. Thanks Northerner, I have heard of egg allergy being a problem with flu jabs, but I ruled that out last year. The injection site is sore, but it's never been a huge problem, never been infected or anything. Although last year they did the flu jab in one arm and the swine flu in the other 😱 two dead arms at once was really unpleasant!

It literally feels like I get flu for a few days after the jabs, which I think isn't possible as it's not a live vaccine? I guess I was hoping to get lots of responses here saying everyone feels unwell after their jabs and it's nothing to worry about! I think my worry is that my GP will just tell me to get the jab without really listening to me.

I will make an appointment though and I'll let you all know what happens. Thanks again.
Ihad flu 10 years ago.......no! not man flu!! ;-) it really knocked me back for about a month, levels were all over the place!! So I have had the flu jab every year since, not had a bad reaction with it and have not had flu either 🙂
Hi, and welcome to the forum.

Good advise to speak to gp first. I have never had any problems and had the jab for about 10 years now. But seriously you do not want the flu, its very dangerous.

It really annoys me when people tell me they have flu, or you see them on tv saying I have flu but must carry on. No you havent, you would not be stood in front of me if you had, you would not be able to lift yout head off the pillow!😱
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