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Floundering - what’s going on with my body?


Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I have T2 and, following the onset of another health condition, I am now on insulin. Last night and during the night, my BG plummeted. Over time, I had 2 glasses of OJ and a bottle of glucose liquid. My BG would start to recover then go down again. In the end, I got out of bed and had some food and now BG is normal for me. However, during this time, I got pins and needles really badly in my hand. Now my BG is ok, the sensation has gone but my hand hurts/aches. It is probably my imagination but I think there are some lumps and bumps in my arm too. Is this “normal”? Is this neuropathy? Do I contact the diabetic clinic at the hospital or do I go to my GP? Can my GP change the insulin regimen (to 2+3) or would they say that only the diabetes clinic should do it? Any advice greatly appreciated. TIA
I just wondered, are you using a Libre sensor? And did you lie on it by any chance? As that can cause false low readings called compression lows.
What dose and types of insulin are you on?
Hi @Abseil and welcome ro the forum. I would suggest that as soon as you can, you get back to whoever devised your insulin regime and ask them for advice. They should be in the best position to work out what might be going on because they should have all your history to work from.

Let us know how you get on.
Hi Lisa
Yes, I have a Libra 2. What you have suggested may be the reason for the low readings and I’ll keep that in mind for next time. I got the pins and needles in my right hand and I usually sleep on my left. ‍♀️
Pins and needles can be unrelated to diabetes (eg crunched a muscle in your neck or shoulder) so try not to worry too much from a one off episode. Do you have a finger prick meter? It’s definitely worth double checking a hypo with a finger prick and not just relying on a sensor. We quite often have what seem to be stubborn hypos in the night with my kid according to the dexcom but when testing on the meter the hypo has resolved. Sensors need a decent amount of fluid so at night are prone to both compression issues and just less fluid circulating than during the day.
When I had Hypos on Gliclazide, I would get symptoms similar to Migraines with visual disturbance and tingling in fingers. I knew it was hypo as checked with test strips.
It is really important to check any Libre lows with a finger prick and not rely on it for recovery from a hypo either at it is at it's least reliable during these times. So if the alarm goes off, finger prick test to check that you are actually hypo..... unless you have very obvious hypo symptoms.... then take your 15g hypo treatment and retest 15mins later with another finger prick. Libre will almost invariable show your levels continuing to drop 15 mins after treatment because of the algorithm it uses to try to make up the lag between interstitial fluid and blood glucose, so ignore it and focus on finger pricks to assess your recovery from a hypo. Usually the Libre will start to catch on half an hour later but by then you can easily have over treated a hypo, and be in panic mode that it is not working. As mentioned, this could have been a false "compression low" caused by lying on your sensor in your sleep or possibly a genuine low, but I would not panic about contacting your nurse unless you have a pattern of genuine hypos, as this information might be rogue and your insulin not need adjustment.

Which insulin(s) are you using?

As regards the pins and needles in your arm, generally neuropath will affect both hands and/or feet, so if it is just one side it is likely something else than your diabetes and perhaps a bit of a trapped nerve. Perhaps you had been sleeping in an awkward position or strained it the day before.
However, during this time, I got pins and needles really badly in my hand.
Panicking can also cause pins and needles, if it was a one off it may have been that.
Pins and needles can be unrelated to diabetes (eg crunched a muscle in your neck or shoulder) so try not to worry too much from a one off episode. Do you have a finger prick meter? It’s definitely worth double checking a hypo with a finger prick and not just relying on a sensor. We quite often have what seem to be stubborn hypos in the night with my kid according to the dexcom but when testing on the meter the hypo has resolved. Sensors need a decent amount of fluid so at night are prone to both compression issues and just less fluid circulating than during the day.
Thank you. That’s interesting and informative. Unfortunately, the pins and needles have occurred before and I dismissed them as just pins and needles! This time, they just wouldn’t go away. After a couple of hours, they’d gone but my hand has been aching ever since.
Good point about water though - I’m rubbish at drinking. I’ll start comparing finger prick results with sensor. I’ve heard the Libra 2 pro is more accurate?
Thank you for taking the time to answer me.
Sorry to hear about your stubborn low overnight @Abseil

I think many of us on insulin have had times where lows just don’t seem to respond as they normally would, and BGs keep crashing. They can be really scary, so be kind to yourself over the next few days.

Hope you can get an appointment to chat things through with your dr or hospital clinic.

Have you had your Vitamin B12 levels checked? That can be another source of tingling sensations I think.

And +1 to keeping yourself well hydrated. My sensors seem to get really laggy when I haven’t had enough to drink in a day. I have pondered whether this might be down to slight dehydration and reduced flow in interstitial fluid?
Have you had a chance to think about why your BG fell in the night?
As well as your pins and needles, it is important to understand why your BG fell so that you can learn and, hopefully, reduce the risk of it happening again
I don't think you mentioned what insulin you are taking and whether you are on fixed doses.
There are a number of things that can reduce BG like alcohol, exercise, eating less carbs (if you are on fixed doses) or ...