Float On

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Floaters. Can i ask how many of you have them and what advice your DN and doctor has given about them.🙂
If you close your eyes do you sometimes see little shapes floating around in front of your eyeballs? Or do you some times see them with your eyes open? Those are floaters and could be an indication of eye problems.

As for me, I only see them occasionally when I sneeze or cough really hard.
If you close your eyes do you sometimes see little shapes floating around in front of your eyeballs? Or do you some times see them with your eyes open? Those are floaters and could be an indication of eye problems.

As for me, I only see them occasionally when I sneeze or cough really hard.

Thank you for the explanation Alison i never knew when that happened it was called floaters.
Floaters. Can i ask how many of you have them and what advice your DN and doctor has given about them.🙂

I had a problem with floaters in the first few weeks after diagnosis. I would go out for a run and think that I was being plagued by swarms of midges! I'm guessing it was due to my high sugar levels as the effect wore off eventually as I gained better control.
Yes, floaters in the field of vision. More noticeable when looking at a plain light painted wall or the clear sky for example.

I, like Northerner noticed them a short time after diagnosis and they seemed to disappear once i got control of my sugars. Over the years i've heard various explanations and just wondered what your experience is.
My gp says he has some in his vision also and he isn't diabetic. Wondered if they are more common among the diabetic community?

Over the many years since my diagnosis they've come and gone a little. Trouble is, once you know they are there they are hard to ignore. THE POWER OF THE MIND!
I have had these for many years and very long time before I was diabetic. My optometrist advised they are harmless and just to try and ignore them.
I have them as well, my optician told me about them and said that it was due to a high cholesterol.. I had them before i was diabetic, they still bug me if I am in really bright light or in a bright room.. have got used to it now.
Yes - I've had them for many years - long before diagnosis with diabetes.

Advice that I've had is that nothing can be done about them - just ignore them. I can almost date them because they started when I was playing cricket and they became a big problem for me when catching in the outfield i.e. looking up at the ball in the bright sky.

I don't discount that they could be related to the early stages of the development of my diabetic condition.
There is not much you can do about them. It is the vitreous jelly of the eye sticking, or sometimes it can be blood from a previous heorrhage if you have had trouble with your eyes before.

I have in my vision, they are a nuisance sometimes, but my consultant says there isn't much you can do about them. Should they be causing you great concern, have a word with your gp and ask to be refered to a specialist.

I get them from time to time, mainly when I am sleepy or spent too much time in front of a computer. I ususally bath my eyes as they feel sore too and have a rest or go to bed for a sleep.
When I first read this I thought you were meaning something completely different after sitting on the throne!

But yes I get these couldn't notice when they started but doesn't bother me, should it? It's not a regular thing just now and again, wouldn't say that it affect my vision, or that there are a lot present at any one time, I put it down to nature!? I'll keep an eye out more often to see when it happens!


............ I'll keep an eye out more often to see when it happens!..........
I've always considered that mine were there all the time. Just that I notice them in some situations more than others - e.g. looking up into a bright sky.
I've had these on and of for years - well before diagnosis and before I had laser correction, again which I had done before diagnosis.

My optician told me it was just protein in the eyes which can float around now and again when I asked him.
Most people get floaters in their eyes from time to time, it's quiet common. Most of the time it is nothing to worry about but if you get it all the time or the amount of floaters increase in number or you see them even when in dark surroundings you should get it checked out as it can be an indication of a detached retina.
A non-diabetic friend of mine had an Optical Coherence Tomography examination. This showed a large floater near the macula that interferes with vision slightly. They were told there is nothing that can be done. It may, in fact, be debris from the foetal stage when there is a small blood vessel between the retina and the surface of the eye to supply the retina with oxygen.
Here's a site that is fantastic at giving information and advice in the treatment and prevention of most diabetic eye conditions. It is not specific to the subject of floaters, but is excellent in advising patients how to prevent complications accuring in the first place.


When I first read this I thought you were meaning something completely different after sitting on the throne!

But yes I get these couldn't notice when they started but doesn't bother me, should it? It's not a regular thing just now and again, wouldn't say that it affect my vision, or that there are a lot present at any one time, I put it down to nature!? I'll keep an eye out more often to see when it happens!



Thanks for all your comments and advice everyone. I know what you mean about those other floaters Rossi. Best not dwell too much on that!🙂
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