Flipping eyes

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Had my glaucoma tests today and the join the dots game showed that the black patches on my left eye have increased quite a bit since May and in May they had increased from the previous scan. Also now got a black patch on part of my my right eye. Clearly progressing but nothing more I can do as pressures are good. Last resort is surgery but that has a lot of risks.
Anyhow I’m not to let it get me down as there’s nothing I can do about it and aim to do some nice crafting today 🙂
Thank you Grovesy. Unfortunately my mood about my eyes went downhill after posting this and I didn't do any crafting.
I have got an appointment at eye casualty tomorrow to check that none of it has been caused by an eye bleed.
Thank you Grovesy. Unfortunately my mood about my eyes went downhill after posting this and I didn't do any crafting.
I have got an appointment at eye casualty tomorrow to check that none of it has been caused by an eye bleed.
Oh sorry to hear, you were not able to do crafting. Hope you have not had an eye bleed, everything crossed for your appointment.
Had my glaucoma tests today and the join the dots game showed that the black patches on my left eye have increased quite a bit since May and in May they had increased from the previous scan. Also now got a black patch on part of my my right eye. Clearly progressing but nothing more I can do as pressures are good. Last resort is surgery but that has a lot of risks.
Anyhow I’m not to let it get me down as there’s nothing I can do about it and aim to do some nice crafting today 🙂
You have my deepest sympathies. Before uni, I originally started out as an apprentice in the shipyards, and, in addition to the modern geeky hacking, one of my greatest pleasures is Arts & Crafts. Currently, due to cataracts, my eye-sight is rapidly deteriorating. This is causing me real problems with a number of hobbies and interests.

Since it will soon be Halloween, I've attached a photo of my latest creation. It is a 'magic wand' which I use to "attract the eye and tempt the pocket" of passing tourists.

It works much like a fishing lure: When I am working my pitch as a raconteur, a little bit of juggling and/or mime gestures with my magic wand tempts the tourist to stop and take a second glance. Thus earning me the time to explain that today, "I am running a special offer on wishes" At that point, they are usually well and truly hooked!

All the best


  • MagicWand.jpg
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Amanda, I am so sorry to hear that your sight has deteriorated a little more. I wonder if it might actually be preferable if it was a retinal bleed rather than the glaucoma as they may be able to treat that more easily and effectively. Pleased that you have a prompt appointment at the eye hospital and that they can offer you some hope. It must be hard to remain positive when so many health issues are pressing you down. I hope you can settle down to focus on some crafting soon as I know it will help you mentally. Being creative is such a positive thing whether it be arty creative or practical creative. I haven't got an artistic bone in my body but making something, even just a nice meal or a new nesting box for my chickens can give me a real boost. And of course I can always look at other people's artistic creations and appreciate them.

@IrvineHimself Hope you weren't offended by my laughing emoji. It was most definitely a response to your use of a magic want to draw people under your spell rather than the fact that your sight is also deteriorating, which is of course sad. Loving your Indiana Jones hat by the way. I think that may be more of a draw than the wand.
Hope you weren't offended by my laughing emoji
Not offended in the slightest, it was intended to bring a bit of light-hearted cheer to an otherwise distressing post.

Loving your Indiana Jones hat by the way. I think that may be more of a draw than the wand.
My hat is over 40 years old and has literally been from the tops of mountains, deep ocean, even deeper jungle and out into the scorching desert. Along with a bird mirror I use for shaving, it is one of the most useful things I have ever bought.
Thank you @IrvineHimself , @grovesy and @rebrascora
Irvine I love your magic wand! I'm so sorry about your cataracts and hope that you can the medical profession to sort them out very soon.
I guess fortunately there aren't any new bleeds BUT as you said Barbara at least bleeds can be dealt easily, I will now have to wait to hear what the hospital has to say about the black patches.
Mark encouraged me to craft before my appointment yesterday and I made good progress on a diamond art snowman Christmas card. Diamond art is such a mindful activity.
Today I've spent some time knitting a Twiddle Muff which I'm planning to donate to help someone with dementia/Alzheimer's.
Very tired now so going to have a lunchtime nap and then hope to finish the diamond art card this afternoon and maybe do some foam art mosaics - they're children's kits but very relaxing.
So sorry to hear about the ongoing problems with your eyes @AJLang

Great to hear your pressures are good. That must be helping, even though you’ve had this disappointing news. And great to hear there were no new bleeds found.

Carry on crafting! Sounds like it really helps you.
So sorry to hear about the ongoing problems with your eyes @AJLang

Great to hear your pressures are good. That must be helping, even though you’ve had this disappointing news. And great to hear there were no new bleeds found.

Carry on crafting! Sounds like it really helps you.
Thank you Mike x Yes the crafting definitely does help and I love doing it when I'm able to. My craft room is a crafter's emporium verging on being a scene for a programme about hoarders :D
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