flight socks

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
ok you jet setting frequent flyers am i supposed to wear those special sock things ??? i have an 11hr flight 😱
I went to get some from the pharmacist and he said they are not suitable for diabetics. So I always choose an isle seat and I walk about the plane for 10 mins or so every 45 minutes and do a few stretch exercises in the loo. I drink plenty of water and stay off tea, coffee and alcohol. I fly about 8 or more times a year and no problems so far. However most of my flights are around 4 or 5 hours. It's a long time since I did an 11 hour one and I wasn't diabetic then.
thank you all for you excellent links what i find confusing is that i do have numb to the side of my big toes but Gp started well before Dx said its not D related ??😱 i will check with DSN x
Haha well it was an accident. I am learning to speak Turkish and noticed they had a Turkish translation there. So anyway I was reading it as part of my studies and blow me if there wasn't something about flights socks! LOL.
Many flight socks carry the warning that they are
not suitable for people with diabetes. If you have
any circulatory problems or complications with your
feet, such as ulcers, then speak to your GP before
using them. If, however, your feet and legs are
generally healthy and you are normally active, using
flight socks is unlikely to do you any harm.

in their myth section..... but do i have ti wear them or not ...mums got a spare pair ??:confused:
I don't wear them am64 and I fly very often but not the 11 hours you are doing. To me it just seems like more hassle and I prefer to get up and move around a lot. I should ask your DSN.
ok you jet setting frequent flyers am i supposed to wear those special sock things ??? i have an 11hr flight 😱

I'm off to China on saturday and the advice that I was given is that if your feet are ok to start with, then the risks of wearing socks are far less than not. Sensible, regular exercise and socks should be good. Happy flying!
If anyone does wear them, make sure they're the right size - Mum's spare pair might not necessarily fit!

11 hours is about as long as any flight - any longer, and there will be refuelling stops, when you can get off and walk around. The other issue with very long fligths, is that you will probably sleep at least some of the time, which means a break in the recommended "get up and walk around" regime. If you're in an aisle seat, it's easy to get up, but equally, you might be woken by those in middle or window seats who need to get past you. Best long flights I've been on have been when I've been lucky enough to have 3 seats to myself, so can sleep flattish, if curled up. Many years ago, before diagnosis, very helpful steward on a Malaysian Airlines flight London / Australia, helped a group of us youngish travellers (we didn't know each other at the beginning) by supplying packs of cards and extra drinks - being near the service area was good in this example.
Hi Am when I flew to Carribean I was given socks to wear by airline - not flight socks though - just nice comfortable ones - Still got them now as were so nice!
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