Flexlink Plus bent cannula - design fault?

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
After repeated instances of bent cannulas and occlusion warnings on the FlexLink Plus system, I am wondering if anyone else has noticed that the direction of the kink in the cannula on removing it is always (more or less) the same and is possibly related to the spring-loaded mechanism which locks the needle out of the way when it is removed?

I have had 3 of these just today, and looking at the way the system works I am wondering if this is a design flaw. As the needle flips 90' as soon as it is removed from the body, no matter how quickly you do this, part of the needle will still be in the end of the cannula when this happens, possibly causing a kink. Anyone care to comment?
Hi WendyNicole,

We havent used the 'Flexlink' - but we did used to use the 'quick sets' that also had a problem with kinking - so we have changed to the 'mio's' which we find great. If you feel there is a design fault it might be worth ringing the Company and speaking to the 'technical department'. We have had cause to ring Medtronic about various things and they are very helpful.🙂Bev
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