FlashGM use in airport

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
New member on here so hi to all. Became diabetic at 18, so many years ago haha. Always hated pricking my finger so recently started using the libre 2 sensor and loving every aspect of it. Due to go abroad soon and wanted advice if possible as publications differ as to what can go through full scanners at the airport. Is it true and looking for peoples experiences, that there is no effect on FlashGM sensors going through the full body scanners? Reading what I can, seems to be CGM‘s that are affected but as currently paying for sensors don’t want to risk it. can anyone advise?
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Hi @Kathryn69, welcome to the forum🙂

The sensor shouldn’t be affected by the scanners, but because it reacts to external radio frequencies - even standing next your microwave oven, so may chirp an alarm. It should continue to react normally, but it may die depending on the equipment they use, in foreign airports. You can always decline to go through the X-ray, explaining the reason, and they will then use the wands to wave over your body.

You can phone Abbott’s and ask them what they think. My guess would be they advise against it, but if the system doesn’t kill your electronic watch, it’s unlikely to kill the sensor.
Thank you For responding 🙂 I will ring them. After 35 years of diabetes finally feeling like I’ve got my life back so want to continue using my sensors whenever possible
Hi @Kathryn69 , and welcome to the forum

I was wearing a pump all the time that I was using FlashGM, so as the pump is not allowed in the scanner I always had ‘the wand’ and a pat down, so do not know whether your Libre will be impacted. Well worth checking With Abbott
My Libres have been x-rayed, body scanned and swiped at airports.
They contued working, new alerted and were never spotted by airport security.

It is not recommended to take insulin pumps through full body scanners but CGMs are fine
Came back from my first post-Libre flights in April. Full body scan both ways. No problems at all. Get a doctor's letter to confirm your need for Libre, insulin, pens, needles, whatever. But in 27 years I've never had to show mine!
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