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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hello Everyone, just a quikie does any one have flash backs to those days before diagnosis when you felt so unbeliveably unwell and the day of diagnosis , ever so often i have a quick flash back of those days and because i cant really remember some of the day of diagnosis sometimes things jog my memory and i remember a little bit more however small , does any one else out of curiosity?
Not so much flashbacks but I sometimes have moments when I think back to what I was doing pre diagnosis and suddenly it all makes sense and it all slots onto place. Difficult to describe what I mean but it's like if I missed out on doing something because I was feeling ill, or missed a funny moment because I was getting more water (!) suddenly I'll realise that the diabetes that caused it! I probably haven't described that well though... The most recent one was the other day, someone commented on a photo of me in fancy dress and why I picked it. Made me think back and remember the reason I picked it...because I'd lost so much weight nothing else in the shop fitted!
I think i understand exactly what you mean and to be fair that is probably what i am refering to as a flashback but you have put it in better words than me. As you say all of the things that happend pre diagnosis do somehow slot into place when you find out about the things you have missed. take care 🙂
I have no memories of my days before diagnosis seeing as I was five when I was diagnosed. I just have vague memories of diagnosis. Sometimes I let my mind wander to what I'd do if I weren't diabetic. One of those moments was today when I saw some UOTC photos that a friend was tagged in on Facebook. I'd have probably been having a crack at exercise Spartan Hike if I weren't diabetic.
I can't remember a lot either as it was a week before my fifth birthday - I do remember drinking from the tap in the bathroom - and I remember my first meal after coming out of a coma (yes! I went into a coma for 2 weeks and given a huge dose of insulin and six hours to live or die as sugar was over 100!) - nurse was chatting to my Mom so I snatched a bit of bacon off her!
I haven't been diagnosed all that long, but the few days before I was carted off to hospital are almost blank and the day itself is mostly a mystery. I was so confused and ill I only really know what I was told happened. I do have vague images of the police and ambulance folk talking to me and of being helped down the stairs, then sitting in an exam room not knowing what was going on and later still, getting on a bus home. If you live in London and get sick enough to need a hospital, don't let them take you to St George's.
If you live in London and get sick enough to need a hospital, don't let them take you to St George's.
I'd second that - I only went there once for my diabetes care and then I got myself transferred to Guy' and St Thomas for futuure care!! Terrible experience. Refused to go back. Muppets. Nuff said!
i don't know if this helps at all ..but when i was pregnant i was told that after the birth i would naturally try to remember it all to reachieve the natural adreniline/endophins that happens when in severe pain/shock ..but slowly it would become only a memory ....the same thing happened after a bad car crash when we were all ok but i relived the circumstances over and over...same i think happens with diagnosis of something like Diabetes...im no expert however just getting more aware as i get older 😱
Yes, I know what you mean, BusmnBob. The weekend before I got diagnosed was the Easter weekend and I was staying with my boyfriend's family. I remember feeling so greedy for wanting so many drinks (to counteract the chocolates!), so I was gulping water in the bathroom trying desperately to quench my thirst. And I remember meeting their neighbour for the first time and she hugged me and then said "Wow, there's nothing on you!" which stuck out as not the kind of thing people normally say when they first meet you!
i keep having flash back about all the 3 months that graham was not well and the hospital !!! the hospital and all the wires on his arms is what graham remember
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