Diabetes UK

Know Diabetes. Fight Diabetes
Staff member
Many of you will have seen the announcement today that Flash GM will be available on the national NHS Drug Tariff in November 2017, meaning in principle, it will be available to people with diabetes in the UK on NHS prescription. We have been campaigning for this outcome for some time and so are delighted with the result!

To give you all some more information, it is going to be available in all nations across the UK.

We initially thought that the technology would be available in England and Wales only, as the NHS Business Services Authority (BSA) authority is limited to these two nations.
However, due to our campaign and your support, health decision makers have also agreed that Flash GM be available in Scotland and Northern Ireland too!

But, it may take some time for the device to be added to lists locally, and areas will need policies on its use. So - we'll be working with local health decision makers across the UK to make sure that local Flash GM is available across all CCG's and Health Boards.

Join us in campaigning locally to ensure that the technology is available to those who need it

Fight for Flash GM in your area

Flash GM Victory
If there isn't any money then it wont be available end of story.
Perhaps they will recognise the saving in the long term that the use of the flash can make, although there may be the sense that those are willing to make changes due to the information that they receive from flas, are less likely to develop long term problems anyway. Ho hum. Worth fighting for though as it can make such a difference.

I shall ask GP, write to my CCG and ask at my consultants appointment next week.
So are CCGs going to make general Yes/No decisions or if patients want to have one are we going to have to apply to the CCG for funding for it? I am T1 for 28 years and now only under GP care and so think this might be difficult if we have to apply to CCG seeing as I am no longer under a consultant. Thanks :)
My place won't fund it until nice guidelines are changed.

I'm just sick of the fighting. I fought to get the pump. Don't know if I can be bothered to fight this.
Well done Diabetes UK for campaigning for all nations. I don't expect change to happen overnight but the news that it will come eventually is very welcome.
So are CCGs going to make general Yes/No decisions or if patients want to have one are we going to have to apply to the CCG for funding for it? I am T1 for 28 years and now only under GP care and so think this might be difficult if we have to apply to CCG seeing as I am no longer under a consultant. Thanks :)
GP's can and do ask for funding from CCG's.
My GP asked and then demanded I was given a pump and I had no consultant or DSN input for at least 10 years.
So are CCGs going to make general Yes/No decisions or if patients want to have one are we going to have to apply to the CCG for funding for it? I am T1 for 28 years and now only under GP care and so think this might be difficult if we have to apply to CCG seeing as I am no longer under a consultant. Thanks :)

Yes - as @Pumper_Sue mentioned, you do not need to apply to a CCG yourself, your GP can request funding. But you can put pressure on your CCG to make Flash available for GPs to prescribe in your area.

Each CCG (Clinical Commissioning Group) will be making decisions as to whether the technology will be added to their local formulary list. However, if Flash was not available in your area, your GP/Consultant could still put pressure on your local CCG to provide individual funding for the technology in certain circumstances, for example if it met your clinical need.