Fix: blank lines insert themselves on Android


Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Moderator note: This post was copied from an earlier thread and offers a fix for Android users who are finding that extra blank lines are being inserted in posts, and ‘quotes’ in replies are consuming additional added text.

I’ve certainly had to edit out extra lines in some new users posts.

Possible a glitch with the forum software and certain configurations of browser and OS?

The forum software gets updated fairly regularly, so with luck one of those updates will fix the bug.
I wonder if everyone with the problem has an Android? I recently discovered through an app that the newest OS (13) is causing issues for multiple apps with regards to keyboard. I was advised there to install Gboard as a temporary measure and make that my default keyboard until they can run a fix, and I'm no longer having problems here with extra lines appearing or my typing getting absorbed into the quote box
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