First week back...

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Going badly.

Monday morning, 3am: BG 11.4. This was significantly higher than I'd had the previous few nights, but I was so relieved I wasn't having another hypo I just went back to sleep.

Monday morning, 6am: Hubby was called out to work 10mins before my alarm was due to go off. I was not impressed. Stood up and thought I was going to pass out, I felt so ill. BG 18.6 😱 Attempted to correct, but got no delivery alarm on pump. Set had obviously failed in the night. Changed set & corrected. Hubby opened door & 2 wasps came in. Had to bat them back out the door. Rushed around like blue-bottomed fly to get ready, having lost time by changing set & batting wasps.

Monday morning, 7am: BG 13.2, but still feeling very ill and thought I'd better check for ketones. Got error code with ketone strips and didn't have time to troubleshoot. Went to work anyway. BG remained in the teens for most of the morning.

Monday evening, 6pm: On bus home, BG 3.7. Was able to troubleshoot the ketone meter when I got home - turned out the ketone strips were out of date because it had been so long since I'd needed them!

Tuesday morning, 3am: 4.5. 8 gulps of Lucozade and went back to sleep.

Tuesday morning, 6am: 10.4. Didn't correct because of earlier hypo.

Tuesday morning, 7am: 16.0 😱 Corrected. Then realised why I'd been so high in the mornings - I'd forgotten to change the basal pattern on my pump so my higher morning basal started earlier. Eejit. Changed pattern. BG didn't come down from 16 until 11am. Then remained at about 10 all day.

Tuesday evening, 5pm: 4.7. 5 Lucozade tablets (was about to race to bus station for bus home).

Work has been rubbish. Two new colleagues who do not fit in at all, one of whom got the job I had applied for and has caused problems already. Exploitation, politics and bitching going on left, right and centre.

Today was going better (shot to 16.0 two hours after breakfast but other than that stayed under 14 all day and managed to avoid a hypo - a result compared to the previous 2 days!). However, because work has been horrible I ate a chocolate brownie after dinner which I had to guess the carbs for - and clearly underguessed to say the least 😱

Anyhow. Rant over.

It all became worth it tonight when I came home. My man was in the kitchen cooking dinner, and had laid out my set change stuff for me and written down the carbs for dinner 🙂 Bless his wee heart, he's such a star!
Hi Emma,

Sorry you haven't had a good few days, don't really know how to help, but wanted to post so you know thinking about you.
How nice of your man! Mine does things like that every now and then, even after 27 years of marriage - it does make you feel loved doesn;t it!
At least you know why you were having such random levels!🙂

Next time your strips are out of date - change the date on the meter.🙂Bev

p.s. What a lovely husband you have.
And he just this very minute overcame his fear for the first time ever and saved me from a huge spider!

My man, the hero 🙂
You will have to think of a superman name for him! My husbands is hilarious and not posting on here!
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